
gōng yì
  • public discussion;mass discussion
公议 [gōng yì]
  • (1) [mass discussion]

  • (2) 众人的议论

  • 自报公议

  • (3) 关于国家的事情,以公众利益为标准而评议

公议[gōng yì]
  1. 我市通过引入群众公议制度,让行政处罚更加阳光透明。

    This is the mass public discussion system introduced in the city to make the administrative punishment more open and transparent .

  2. 方法采用Z比评分法进行检测结果的统计学评价,Z分值的公议值来自所有参加实验室。

    Methods The testing results coming from the participatory labs were evaluated through standard Z score generated from all the participatory labs .

  3. 他们喜喜欢欢地由公议会前出来,因为他们配为这名字受侮辱。

    And they indeed went from the presence of the council , rejoicing that they were accounted worthy to suffer reproach for the name of Jesus .