
  1. 中非经济与货币共同体经济一体化的过程重叠了许多未完成的工作。

    The process of integration economic in zone CEMAC is a juxtaposition of unfinished constructions .

  2. 随着欧洲共同体经济力量的增强,它与美国竞争的能力也增强了。

    As the economic strength of the European Community grew , its competition with the United States intensified .

  3. 管状熔断器的典型失效模式和失效原因分析因生产过剩,欧洲共同体经济严重失衡。

    Analysis of Typical Failure Modes and Causes of Cavity Style Fuse Over-production is seriously unbalancing the EEC economy .

  4. 欧洲共同体内部经济活动一般工业分类

    General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Community

  5. 第三章介绍村庄共同体的经济事务职能。

    The third chapter describes the participating rights and leading role in medieval economic life of village community .

  6. 1957年3月25日签订罗马条约成立欧洲原子能源共同体与欧洲经济共同体。

    On March 25 , 1957 , the nations signed the Treaty of Rome , setting up the European Atomic Energy Committee and the European Economic Community .

  7. 战后,荷兰成为比荷卢(比利时、荷兰和卢森堡)和欧洲经济共同体成员,经济再次繁荣。

    After the war , the Dutch economy prospered again , being a member of the Benelux ( Belgium , the Netherlands and Luxembourg ) and European Economic Community unions .

  8. 第三个部分主要阐述了共同体在非经济领域,如环境保护、文化和社会事务以及集体安全方面的一体化进展情况,同时分析了这些非经济领域的合作对共同体经济一体化深入发展的积极作用。

    The third part mainly introduces the progress of integration in non-economic areas , such as environmental protection , culture , society and collective security . And the part also analyzes the active role they play in integration in ECOWAS .

  9. 从经济视角看东亚共同体东盟与东亚经济合作

    Research on the " East Asian Community " from the Visual Angle of Economy On the Economic Cooperation Between ASEAN and East Asia

  10. 第三,比较于欧洲共同体或其它区域经济体的企业,亚太地区的企业所面临的国际竞争更为直接。

    Thirdly , companies in the Asia-Pacific region are facing with a more direct international competition compared with their counterparts in European Union or other economic entities .

  11. 东亚地区经济合作进程加快,发展中日经贸关系,推动建立东亚经济共同体,促进地区经济繁荣已成大势。

    The process of economic cooperation in East Asian region has been quickened . Developing Sino-Japanese economic and trade relations , promoting establishment of East Asia Economic Community and advancing regional economic prosperity , have become a general trend of events .