
  • 网络relationship financing;Relationship Finance;relational financing
  1. 我们先分析了关系型融资的市场效率。

    We first analyse the market efficiency of relationship financing .

  2. 第四章是从宏观的角度对关系型融资效率做出分析。

    The forth chapter analyses the efficiency of relationship financing from macro angle .

  3. 在此基础上,本论文的第五章提出了一种能有效消除银行和ESCO两者之间信息不对称的债务性融资策略&关系型融资,并通过实证研究的方式证明了此融资策略的有效性。

    On this basis , the fifth chapter of this thesis proposes a debt financing strategy & Relationship-based Financing strategy , which can eliminate the information asymmetry effectively between the ESCO , Banks and other stakeholders , and by way of empirical research proved its effectiveness .

  4. 关系型融资、意会信息生产与商业银行信贷决策

    Relational Financing , Tacit Information Production and Commercial Bank Credit Decision

  5. 我国中小企业银行关系型融资的效率分析

    An Analysis of the Efficiency of the Chinese SME-bank Relationship Lending

  6. 中小民营企业关系型融资模式研究

    The Research for Relationship Finance in Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises

  7. 关系型融资的生命力研究:基于信息折旧模型的分析

    Study of life-force of relational financing : a model of information depreciation

  8. 基于价值分析视角的关系型融资研究述评

    A Study of Relationship Lending : Based on Value Analysis

  9. 中小企业关系型融资的国际比较研究

    The International Comparative Study on Relational Financing of Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises

  10. 第二章为关系型融资理论的介绍。

    The second chapter introduces the theory of relational financing .

  11. 关系型融资是中小企业和银行双赢的融资模式。

    Relationship finance benefits both small corporations and commercial banks .

  12. 本文是对关系型融资效率问题的研究。

    This dissertation studies the efficiency of relationship financing .

  13. 关系型融资效率研究

    A Study of the Efficiency of Relationship Financing

  14. 而这一价值增加正是基于关系型融资带来的未来可获得现金流增加进行传导的。

    This value increase is through the increasing of available cash flow to the relational financing .

  15. 分工演化与关系型融资:中小企业融资问题的新理论解释

    Division of Labor and Evolution and Relational Financing : New Theory Explaining The Issue of SME Financing

  16. 中小商业银行与关系型融资

    Medium-small Bank and Relationship Lending

  17. 其次,我们分析了关系型融资的过度投资问题及其对货币政策传递机制的影响。

    Secondly , we analyse relationship financing ' soverinvestment problem and its influence on monetary transmission mechanism .

  18. 在实证分析基础上,文章对关系型融资产生的动因进行了供求分析,并对其在缓解刚性资金缺口的意义上,从供求曲线和总成本两个角度进行了较深入的理论探讨。

    Then , the cause and significance about the emergence of relational financing are deeply expounded through theory .

  19. 因此,风险投资是一种市场化程度更高的关系型融资制度。

    We think the venture capital is a kind relational financing system with a higher degree of marketability .

  20. 关系型融资能减少代理成本,降低交易费用,救助陷入财务困境的企业。

    Relationship finance also benefits to reduce agency cost and transaction cost , helps corporations in finical difficulty .

  21. 然后,我们从嵌入性的视角对关系型融资可能存在的问题做了分析,并构建出理论模型。

    Then we analyse the efficiency of relationship financing from embedment point of view , constructing a theoretical model .

  22. 资金的需求方&企业,在生命周期不同阶段,与关系型融资的耦合程度。

    The demand side of the capital is coupled with different degree of relationship financing at different growing stages .

  23. 基于信息不对称假设的现行金融中介理论忽视了信息分享的重要性,提出了关系型融资模型。

    Existing theories of financial intermediation based on the assumption of informational asymmetry have overlooked the importance of information sharing .

  24. 不同的折旧速度决定了外部条件保持不变下关系型融资制度的发展趋势。

    Different speeds of depreciation will determine the development of relational financing , maintenance and decline under the special outside condition .

  25. 在财务经济学领域已有文献对于关系型融资现象及关系在中小企业融资起到的作用有所论述。

    There are many theses in financial economics that discuss the phenomenon of relationship financing and the function of relationship in financing .

  26. 第四部分研究了中国中小企业的关系型融资的存在情况,认为我国中小企业关系型融资制度有待发展;

    In the following section , another empirical model is given to analysis the existence of SME 's relationship financing in China .

  27. 而关系型融资在帮助中小企业解决融资困难问题的同时,又会矫枉过正,给中小企业带来过度投资的问题。

    Relationship financing can settle this problem , but at the same time , it goes further , causing an overinvestment problem .

  28. 另一方面,关系型融资有利于解决中小企业的短期和长期的资金需求问题,促进中小企业的发展。

    On the other hand , the relationship lending is conducive to resolving the financing needs of short and long term and promote the development of SMEs .

  29. 本文通过对中小银行、中小企业以及银企融资模式的分析,从而导出结论&关系型融资是我国现阶段中小银行与中小企业的现实选择。

    This paper suggest that relationship financing will be the realistic choice of medium and small-sized enterprises and medium and small-sized banks by analysis based on banking-enterprise finance model .

  30. 从保持距离型融资模式与关系型融资模式的内在效率分析,两者都具有经济合理性;

    It is considered that both arm 's length financing and relational financing possess economic rationality from the analysis of their internal efficiency , with the trend of combination .