
  • Military Service Obligations;【法】obligation of conscription
  1. 若干双重国籍情形下兵役义务问题议定书

    Protocol relating to Military Obligations in Certain Cases of Double Nationality

  2. 关于双重国籍某种情况下兵役义务的议定书;

    Protocol relating to military obligations in certain cases of double nationality ;

  3. 减少多重国籍和在多重国籍情况下的兵役义务的欧洲公约

    European Convention on Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality

  4. 预备役军官在履行兵役义务过程中有突出功绩的,其预备役军官军衔可以提前晋级。

    Where reserve officers have made outstanding contributions during their performance of military service , their reserve ranks may be promoted ahead of schedule .

  5. 在美国询问任何与种族、宗教、性别、原国籍、年龄、兵役义务、退役状况、性倾向、婚姻状况或身体残疾有关的问题都是违法的。

    Anything related to race , religion , gender , national origin , age , military service eligibility , veteran status , sexual orientation , or physical handicap is illegal here in the United States .

  6. 他们可能还有服兵役的义务。

    They may be liable for military service .

  7. 18到35岁的人有服兵役的义务。

    Men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service .

  8. 你或本次申请所包含的任何人目前是否有在任何国家需要服兵役的义务?

    Are you or any other person included in this application presently subject to military service obligations in any country ?

  9. 兵役制度:义务制,服役1年。

    Term of service : conscription system with terms of service lasting one year .

  10. 刑法、民法、选举法、兵役法、义务教育法等法律,都对保护宗教信仰自由和信教公民的平等权利作了明确、具体的规定。

    The criminal law , civil law , electoral law , military service law and compulsory education law and some other laws make clear and specific provisions protecting religious freedom and equal rights of religious citizens .

  11. 服十八个月的兵役是你的义务。

    It 's your duty to serve in the army for18 months .

  12. 在许多国家,服兵役是一种义务。

    Military service is compulsory in many countries .

  13. 其中,纳税、服兵役这类强制性义务具有限制公民权利与控制国家权力的双重作用,但主要作用在于控权;

    The compulsive obligation has both the functions of restricting citizens rights and controlling nation powers , but the latter is the primary ;

  14. 建立全国各地军区,动员全民族参战,以便逐步从雇佣兵役制转变为义务兵役制。

    Establish military zones in all parts of the country , mobilize the whole nation to join in the war and thus effect a gradual change from the mercenary system to one of general military service .

  15. 兵役法规定,正在全日制学校就学的学生可以缓征,但他们仍有履行兵役的义务,所以在就学期间要接受军事练习。

    Military service code is decided , the student of full-time school go to school is OK postpone the imposition of a tax or levy , but they still have the obligation that performs military service , want to accept a military affairs to train during go to school so .