
  • 网络other investment in fixed assets
  1. 按照我国现行计划管理体制,全社会固定资产投资总额分为基本建设、更新改造、房地产开发投资和其他固定资产投资四个部分。

    According to china 's current planning management system , the investment in fixed assets in the whole country is classified into the following four parts investment in capital construction , investment in innovation , investment in real estates development and other investment in fixed assets .

  2. 信贷紧缩将有助于房地产、工厂和其他固定资产的投资收缩,而这些是构成经济泡沫的主要原因。

    Tightening credit should help damp investment in real estate , factories and other fixed assets that is underpinning the boom .