
  • 网络internal economy;internal economics
  1. 服装企业社会责任内在经济驱动力分析

    A Study of Economic Driving Force of CSR by Clothing Enterprises

  2. 产业集群竞争力的内在经济机理

    The Inner Economic Mechanism of Competitiveness on Industrial Cluster

  3. 与历史成本会计相比,金融机构运用公允价值会计所提供的财务信息更具有相关性,可以更客观地反映其内在经济状况,降低市场信息的不对称性,更有利于市场参与者做出合理的决策。

    Compared with the historical cost accounting , the financial information based on the use of fair value accounting is much more relevant .

  4. 从理论上讲,要想弥补过去不到十年时间内在经济上的损失,希腊大概需要货币贬值40%。

    Theoretically , to make up the economic ground lost in less than a decade , the Greeks would need to devalue by 40 per cent .

  5. 创建大连服装工业孵化园可以产生整合大连市服装产业资源,实现内在经济和外在经济的双重改善等一系列积极效应。

    By doing that , the resources of the apparel industry of Dalian will be integrated , and a double effective economic improving effect will be achieved .

  6. 其次,从内在经济性和科技伦理思想理论两个方面揭示了科学技术对环境产生负面作用的原因。

    Secondly , from economic reason and thought of scientific and technological ethics two respects , announced that what exerts a negative influence on the environment in science and technology .

  7. 它的形成与发展具有一定的理论依据,即企业理论、制度变迁理论、内在经济与外在经济理论、博弈理论和产业关联理论等。

    Its form and development have fixed theory basis , such as industry theory , system changes theory , inherent and external economy theory , game theory and industry interrelated theory etc. .

  8. 在一个行业里,这五种基本竞争力量的状况及其综合强度,引发行业内在经济结构的变化,从而决定着行业内部竞争的激烈程度。

    The condition and overall intensity of these five basic competitive forces will trigger changes in the economic structure of the industry , thus determining the intensity of the internal competition of the industry .

  9. 本文通过规范论证与数理分析,对生产企业内部跨区域分工合作的内在经济激励、外在约束、演进规律进行微观均衡分析。

    With the methods of normative and mathematic analysis , this paper gives an equilibrium analysis about the internal economic incentives , external limit and evolvement law of enterprises ' interior specialization and cooperation in different regions .

  10. 媒介娱乐幻象的内在经济模式也是其生发机制的另一重要方面。一种是由传统媒体发起的立体化营销模式,另一种是以新媒体发起的注意力营销模式。

    Another important aspect for this mechanism is the inner economical format of media entertaining illusion : one is cubical norm of sale started by traditional media , and the other is attentive norm of sale originated from new media .

  11. 随着中国不同规模和层次的城市区域快速发展,城市之间的内在经济和社会联系日益加强,城市区域经济一体化的进程加快,但是中国城市区域经济一体化进程中仍面临一系列问题。

    With development of the different scale and level Urban Regions , the inner connections between cities strengthen increasingly , the process of economic integration accelerates continuously , but there still are many problems that Urban Regional Economic Integration facing with .

  12. 笔者是一个市场主义者,坚信统一市场进程必须主要依靠内在的经济力量。

    The author of this article firmly believes in market mechanism and that the realization of unitary market must rely on the inner economic forces .

  13. 各种生产要素在市场经济的作用下,冲破行政界限的束缚,实现着跨区域的流动,表现出区域间内在的经济联系性和相互依赖性。

    Various factors of production have been breaking the shackles of administrative boundaries to achieve a cross-regional flow under the action of the market economy showing the inherent inter-regional economic ties and interdependence .

  14. 农民贫困的根源不是源于农村和城乡之间内在的经济基础差异,而是源于凌驾于农村和城乡物质基础之上的不合理的制度设计。

    The root of the rural poverty is not because of the differences of the economic basis between countryside and city , but the unbalanced systems are which designed on the economic basis between them .

  15. 由于历史的局限,两派都未能正确认识农业与工业之间内在的经济联系,将中国当时的问题归结为文化问题而偏离了方向。

    Due to historical limitations , the two factions had failed to correctly understand the inherent economic links between agriculture and industry . The two factors came down the temporal problem to cultural problem , which departure the correct direction .

  16. 地理标志自身的特性决定着其内在的经济及社会价值,充当着产品(尤其是农产品)产地和产品质量的指示器作用,牵涉着相关利益方之间的市场经济利益甚至是国家之间的利益关系。

    Characteristics of the geographical indication itself determine its inherent economic and social value , and acts as a product ( especially agricultural products ) indicator of the origin and quality of products , involved stakeholders interests between market economy and relation of national interests .

  17. 马克思、思格斯早在19世纪40年代已经前瞻性地论述了经济全球化的思想,他们认为:资产阶级的资本是经济全球化的主体和内在动力,经济全球化的实质是资本的全球化;

    In 1940 's Marx has already proposed the idea of economic globalization .

  18. 对于金融市场上波动的特性及其内在机制和经济含义的深入分析,已经成为经济学研究中的一个重要方向。

    Now studying the economic meaning , inherent mechanism and characteristic of the financial volatility are important .

  19. 理性地反思与批判资本与消费的内在逻辑是经济伦理学的一个重要任务。

    Hence , it is an important mission of economic ethics to reflect the inner logic of capital and consumption rationally .

  20. 经济增长的原因、其内在机制以及经济增长的实现途径,历来是经济理论研究中的核心问题。

    The cause , the inherent mechanism and the approach of the economic growth is always being core problem in the theory studies of economic .

  21. 企业的存在形态总是表现为内在的企业经济性质和外在的企业组织形式的结合。

    The existence appearance of the enterprises always expresses combining the outside organized form of the enterprise with the inside economic property of the enterprise .

  22. 经济制度内在规定了经济活动的激励水平和交易成本,从而内含了增长效应。

    The economic system is a rule system which inherently stipulates the incentive and transaction cost of economic activities , and has the economic growth effect .

  23. 综合考虑烟叶内在质量和经济效益,牡丹江地区晒烟合理施氮量应为5kg/667m2。

    Considering the intrinsic quality and economical benefits comprehensively , the rational amount of nitrogen applied to sun-cured tobacco was 5 kg / 667m2 in Mudanjiang area .

  24. 城市设计与经济存在深层的内在关联,经济是城市设计的物质保障,经济也是城市设计实践的理性指导。

    Urban design has an inner connection with economy , namely economy is the physical support for urban design as well as the rational direction for the practice of urban design .

  25. 市场失灵的本质在于市场的内在缺陷以及经济人的利益失衡,市场失灵是市场非效率的缘由,因此必须对其进行最佳程度的克服。

    The essence of ineffectiveness of market regulation , which leads to inefficiency of market , lies in the inherent defects of market itself and imbalance of interests among economic persons .

  26. 通过以上研究,论文初步得出以下结论:1、农村劳动力转移与农地非农化都是经济发展的内在需求,经济社会可持续发展要求有效协调农村剩余劳动力转移与农地非农化之间的关系。

    Both rural labor transfer and farmland conversion are the inherent needs for economic development , and sustainable development requires that the quantitative relationship between rural labor transfer and farmland conversion should be harmonized . 2 .

  27. 文章从物质与精神的关系、社会经济发展的内在要求以及经济活动的主体等方面,阐述了德育经济价值的理论依据,并进一步分析了德育经济价值的具体体现。

    This paper expounds the basis and demonstration of the economic value of moral education by analyzing the relationship between material and spirit , the intrinsic requirement of the development of social economy and the main body of economic activities .

  28. 伦理道德作为一种无形资源和内在约束介入经济生活,柔性地调节资源配置,降低交易成本,对促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,具有重要作用。

    As an intangible resource and an intrinsic force of constraint , ethics is introduced into economic life , and has a vital function in adjusting resource distribution , decreasing exchange costs and propelling the sound development of socialist market economy .

  29. 义务教育在人力资本投资中有着极其重要的地位,内在的促进经济的增长、社会的进步,因此,要开发大西部,就必须高度重视西部义务教育。

    Compulsory education has played an important role in the investment of manpower capital by inherently promoting economic growth and progress of the society . To develop the west regions , close attention needs to be paid to western compulsory education .

  30. 从分析可持续发展的内在要求与经济人假设之间的冲突出发,构建了利他状态下的资源代际分配效用函数。

    This paper aims to dissolve the confliction between the internal demand of sustainable development and basic assumption of neoclassic economics by integrating altruism , the influential factor in sustainable development , and consumption of resources of current generation into the utility function .