
  • 网络Internal Combustion Engine Technology
  1. 稀薄燃烧技术是内燃机技术发展的重要方向之一。

    The lean combustion technology is one of important development ways of internal combustion engine technology .

  2. 节约能源,控制有害排放,已成为内燃机技术发展的主导方向。

    Energy conservation and the control of harmful emissions have become the dominant direction in the development of internal combustion engine technology .

  3. 21世纪初的内燃机技术

    IC Engine Techniques of the Initial Stage of the 21st Century

  4. 关于内燃机技术中数理方法的应用

    On the Application of Mathematical Technology in Internal Combustion Engine

  5. 氢燃料内燃机技术现状与发展展望

    Technical Status Quo and Development Prospect of Hydrogen IC Engine

  6. 根据噪声检测内燃机技术状态智能化系统的研究

    AI for detecting internal combustion engine technical state on the basis of its noise

  7. 气缸窜气量的大小是衡量内燃机技术性能的重要指标。

    The gas leakage of cylinder is an important technical performance index of an IC Engine .

  8. 除了内燃机技术的改进和电动汽车的发展,主要的方法之一是降低汽车重量。

    Alongside improvements in internal combustion engine technology and developments in electric vehicles , one of the main ways is by reducing mass .

  9. 若进一步使用内燃机技术发展汽车工业将会给能源安全和环境保护造成巨大的压力。

    If human further adopt internal combustion engine ( ICE ) technique to develop automotive industry , energy security and environmental protection will assume huge pressure .

  10. 中国在内燃机技术方面落后西方几十年,因此希望通过开发绿色汽车,尤其是电动汽车,而占得先机。

    China , which is decades behind the west in internal combustion technology , hopes to leapfrog the gap by developing green , and especially electric , cars .

  11. 所以本文根据闭式循环柴油机及内燃机技术发展的要求,开发了一套液压驱动、电子控制可变配气系统,并对电控液压可变配气系统的性能进行了研究。

    So a hydraulically driving , electronically controlled variable valve system is developed based on the requirements for the closed cycle diesel and engine developments and its performance is studied .

  12. 美国通用汽车公司已表明他们的动力驱动系统战略是从传统内燃机技术发展到混合动力再到氢燃料电池。

    GM has already indicated that their motive force was driven systematically strategy grown from traditional internal-combustion engine technology to motive force of hybrid and then to the fuel cell of hydrogen .

  13. 内燃机燃烧技术综述

    Review of Combustion Technology in Internal Combustion Engine

  14. 爆炸性气体环境用柴油内燃机防爆技术探讨GB12662-1990爆炸物销毁器技术条件

    Discussion on Explosion-proof Technology of the Diesel Internal Combustion Engine in Explosive Gas Environment

  15. 介绍了静压轴承在内燃机车技术改造中的应用情况。

    Introducing the application of the static bearing in the technical transformation of diesel Iocomotive .

  16. 最后,还列出了主要蒸汽机车和三代内燃机车技术参数概要表。

    Finally , the summary tables of technical parameters of main steam locomotives and three generations of diesel locomotives were also given .

  17. 根据市场需求和技术发展提出了重点发展产品的建议。最后简要提出我国应优先发展的9项内燃机关键技术。

    Based on the market needs and technical developmenttrend , the suggestion on developing ice product , espeially The9 key techniques which should be givenpriority is presented .

  18. 能源危机的出现以及人们环保意识的加强,使得探索利用新能源以及清洁高效利用现有石油资源成为现代内燃机创新技术研究的一个主攻方向。

    Due to energy crisis and environmental protection consciousness , exploring alternative fuel and high efficient utilization the conventional fuel become the main researching direction of modern internal combustion engine ( ICE ) .

  19. 介绍了内燃机点火技术的研究进展,阐述了内燃机脉冲电晕放电点火新技术所涉及的点火能量、点火效率、燃烧时间和相关化学反应等问题。

    The development of ignition technology on the internal combustion engine is outlined in this paper . The ignition energy , efficiency , burning time and main chemical reactions of the pulsed corona discharge ignition ( PCD ) used on internal combustion engine are discussed in detail .

  20. 抓住加入WTO的机遇加速内燃机工业的技术进步迎接经济全球化的严峻挑战

    Grasp Opportunities from Entering WTO Accelerate Technology Progress on IC Engine Industry Meet Challenges of Economy Globalization

  21. 我国内燃机产品与技术发展预测

    The Prediction on IC Engine Product and Technology Development in PRC

  22. 浅谈爆炸性气体环境用往复式内燃机的防爆技术

    Ex Technology for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine Used in Hazardous Location

  23. 面向再制造的小型内燃机连杆设计技术研究

    Study on the connection-rod design technology of small type internal-combustion engine for remanufacture

  24. 内燃机噪声控制技术研究现状和发展趋势

    The Development and the Trend of Noise Control Technology for Internal Combustion Engine

  25. 国内内燃机数字化仿真技术应用现状

    Application Actualities of ICE Digital Simulation Technique at Home

  26. GB/T2785-1988内燃机气门弹簧技术条件

    Internal combustion engine & Technical requirements for valve springs

  27. 内燃机曲轴制造技术现状及发展趋势

    The Situation and Development Tendency of Crankshaft Manufacturing Technology

  28. 缸内直喷稀薄燃烧是当今内燃机有效节能技术方向之一。

    Direct injection lean-burning technique is one of the most efficient energy-saving technologies nowadays .

  29. 内燃机燃烧新技术

    The new combustion technology of internal combustion engine

  30. 内燃机流体润滑技术的发展及其在我国的应用

    Development in Fluid Lubrication Technologies in Internal Combustion Engines and its Application in China