
  • 网络homeostasis;homeostatic
  1. 通过对小鼠微循环观察和大鼠血液酸碱平衡分析试验,研究了T2毒素对机体内稳态的影响。

    The microcirculation study and blood acid-base balance analysis tests were carried out to evaluate the effect T2 toxin on homeostasis .

  2. 内稳态、疾病及治疗

    Homeostasis , Disease and Treatment

  3. 人体上呼吸道内稳态气流运动特性的PIV初步试验研究

    PIV experiment of steady flow within the human upper respiratory tract

  4. T2毒素对机体内稳态的影响

    Effect of T2 toxin on homeostasis

  5. ADSS基因与机体能量内稳态相关。

    ADSS genes was associated with energy metabolism . 6 .

  6. C6的细胞内稳态浓度显著高于其他两株细胞。

    The intracellular steady-state level achieved in C6 was significantly higher than the levels in the other two cell lines .

  7. 从N-S方程出发,推导了螺旋槽内稳态微尺度流动场的非线性雷诺方程。

    Based on the N-S equation , a nonlinear Reynolds equation for a steady-state micro-scale flow field was derived .

  8. 建立了降雨入渗条件下的二维有限元计算模型,确定了相应的边界条件,计算了降雨条件下边坡内稳态及瞬态水分场的分布。NET的嵌入式机床控制器,它们彼此通过蓝牙进行通信。

    The paper sets up the two-dimension mathematic model under the condition of rain infiltration , determines the boundary conditions , come up with the regularity distribution of the water flow net for steady state and transient state .

  9. 压力诱导的内皮细胞生存对抗凋亡的动态平衡状态是维持血管完整性和血管内稳态非常重要的细胞过程,同时也是众多血管相关疾病发生和发展过程中决定血管发生(angiogenesis)的重要因素之一。

    The balance between endothelial cell survival and apoptosis during stress is an important cellular process for vessel integrity and vascular homeostasis , and it is also pivotal in angiogenesis during the development of many vascular diseases .

  10. 而AHF的炎症反应、对各种刺激反应、调节细胞凋亡等活动强于LR,离子内稳态、对激素的反应、调控细胞分裂和增殖的作用等弱于LR。

    Of them , stimulus response , inflammation and regulation of apoptosis , etc. were stronger in AHF occurrence than in LR , but ion homeostasis , hormonal response , regulation of cell division and proliferation , etc. in AHF occurrence were weaken .

  11. 原代培养海马神经元锌内稳态研究

    Study on the Homeostasis of Zinc in Primary Culture Hippocampal Neurons

  12. 目的为探讨神经元锌内稳态机制。

    Objective To study the homeostasis of zinc in central nervous system .

  13. 内燃机缸内稳态斜轴涡流特性研究

    A Study on In Cylinder Inclined Swirl of IC Engine

  14. 原位肝移植术中血流动力学、内稳态变化及麻醉处理

    Changes of hemodynamics and homeostasis in orthotopic liver transplantation and anesthetic management

  15. 运动中活性氧与抗氧化剂补充的内稳态研究述评

    Review of researches on active oxygen and antioxidant supplementation during exercising from the perspective of homeostasis

  16. 因而植物体在长期的进化过程中形成了一套内稳态机制来调控铜离子在细胞中的浓度;

    Thus , plants evolve mechanisms to detoxify Cu in the cell by approaches of cellular homeostasis .

  17. 某些近交系小鼠感染后肠道内稳态平衡的改变,导致急性回肠炎。

    Alteration of the homeostatic balance of infected intestine results in acute ileitis in certain strains of inbred mice .

  18. 数值研究了制冷剂充灌量以及蒸发器盘管布置形式对柜内稳态温度分布的影响。

    The effects of refrigerant charge and configuration of the evaporator coil on the temperature distribution have been investigated numerically .

  19. 通过对内稳态及有关疾病观的回顾,探讨内稳态与疾病的关系。

    This paper presents retrospect on homeostasis and concept of disease and exploration on the relationship between homeostasis and diseases .

  20. 本文研究失重状态下圆环形容器内稳态旋转液体的液面形状。

    This paper studies the shape of the interface on steadily rotating liquid in an annular contain-er under zero-gravity environment .

  21. 偏心空心球体内稳态和非稳态温度场&圆球导热实验装置的偏心误差分

    Steady and Unsteady Temperature Fields in an Eccentric Hollow Spheroid & An Analysis of Eccentric Errors of the Spherical Conduction Apparatus

  22. 试验表明,反应器内稳态时的平均生物膜量为33.7mg/g,膜厚为114μm;

    The results showed that the average attached biomass was 33.7 mg / g and biofilm thickness reached to 114 μ m.

  23. 脂联素作为一种脂肪细胞因子具有维持能量代谢内稳态、调节免疫平衡、调控细胞增殖的作用。

    Adiponectin is an adipokine that plays pivotal roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis , immune balance and cell proliferation .

  24. 因此,着眼于调节内稳态,减轻早期的休克,加速肠上皮的修复,防治肠源性感染就有可能为后续的救治赢得时间。

    So we can gain more time for later treatment if we can correct the unbalanced homeostasis , decrease occurrence of early shock , improve repair of enteric epithelium and prevent enterogenic infection .

  25. 细胞自噬在很多生理、病理过程中都有非常重要的作用,比如细胞内稳态维持、胚胎发育、营养缺乏、神经退行性疾病、癌症等。

    Autophagy plays very important roles in a variety kinds of physiological and pathological processes , such as maintainance of cell homeostasis , embryo development , nutrient deficiency , neurodegenerative disorders and cancer etc. .

  26. 降解产物可以被细胞重新用于营养循环或细胞器更新,因此自噬对于维持细胞内稳态和能量代谢平衡非常重要。

    The degradation products can be reused by cells for nutrients recycling and organelles turnover . So autophagy has proved to be important in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and of the energetic balance .

  27. 背景:颈交感神经阻滞促进机体神经-内分泌-免疫系统等稳态的恢复,其能否抑制创伤后应激紊乱导致的内稳态失衡仍不明确。

    BACKGROUND : Cervical sympathetic ganglia block accelerates the recovery of the homeostasis of organic nervous-endocrine-immune system , but it is still unclear whether it can suppress the imbalance of homeostasis induced by post-traumatic stress disorder .

  28. 我们认为对于肠型放烧复合伤而言,及时纠正早期内稳态失衡,防治休克是关键,重建肠道机械与免疫的双重屏障是根本。

    As far as the treatment of gastro-intestinal type radiation-burn injury , we think the key is to correct the unbalanced homeostasis and prevent occurrence of shock and the root is to restore intestinal double-fold barrier function .

  29. 为了计算快堆蒸汽发生器小泄漏后钠水反应产物的传输扩散,对快堆壳管式蒸汽发生器内稳态钠流场进行了三维数值模拟,建立了蒸汽发生器内钠流场三维数值模型。

    : In order to calculate the sodium water reaction products transport and diffusion in occurrence of small water leak in steam generator , a three dimensional numerical model of sodium steady flow in steam generator of fast reactors is established .

  30. 它充分地体现了人类的生命权利而非政治权利,标志着人类文明史上一个新型的权利模式&控制权利的诞生,这将把整个人类组织成一个具有内稳态生命的系统。

    It also embodies the right of human life rather than political rights , marks the born of a brand-new right mode & control right , and these will attribute to organizing an entatic state of life system in our human society .