
  • 网络sailor;SAILORROBOT;Sharaku;Toushusai Sharaku
  1. 挥毫写乐,各传妙响&三首唐代写乐诗比较

    Music in Poems , Wonder in Effect & Comparison of Three Poems about Music in Dang Dynasty

  2. 他在纸上写下乐符。

    He wrote down the musical note on the paper .

  3. 安妮想要写一下摇滚乐史。

    Annie wants to write a history of rock music .

  4. 在1456年赦免,他回到巴黎,并写有'乐莱斯,其次是他的长期工作诗'碧海圣经'。

    Pardoned in1456 , he returned to Paris and there wrote'Le Lais ' , followed by his long poetic work'Le Grand Testament .

  5. (音乐中)写在一篇乐稿的开头或结尾的音符,意思是从标有记号处开始重复。

    ( music ) a notation written at the beginning or end of a passage that is to be repeated .

  6. 音乐是唐诗的重要题材,几乎唐代所有的著名诗人都写有过咏乐诗。而不同诗人的咏乐诗又体现出不同的风格。

    Music is an important subject of Tang Poetry , and almost all famous poets in Tang Dynasty wrote chant poems with different styles .