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  1. 我军前两次和普雷斯顿的杯赛全打平了。

    Liverpool and Preston have been drawn together on two previous occasions in the F.A.Cup .

  2. 民团中,新兵被征募,在他们加入正规军前,这些人员长期接收训练和教化。

    In the militia , from which recruits were conscripted , the men had received training and indoctrination for an extended period before the commencement of their active regular service .

  3. 他们妄图在反政府军到达前重组部队,从撒哈拉以南的地区吸纳新的雇佣军再卷土重来。

    They may hope to regroup out of rebel reach , import fresh mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa and perhaps make a last stand .

  4. 第二天一早,斯克尔顿拿着烟斗和书,坐在房间外面的游廊上乘凉。它说,在野外进行乘凉各民族和十字军东征前流亡。

    Early next morning , to enjoy the cool of the day , Skelton , with his pipe and a book , was sitting on the veranda outside his room .

  5. 在李将军担任南方军的统领前,他解放了他所有的奴隶。

    Who freed all his slaves before taking command of the Confederate Army .

  6. 来看看前童子军领导者和前“雄鹰”童子军是怎么说的。

    Here is what a former scout leader and a former Eagle scout had to say about it .

  7. 我军在向山谷挺进前先派两名士兵去察看了地形。

    Our army sent two soldiers to spy out the land before they started for the valley .

  8. 这个排必须急行军以在天黑前赶回基地。

    The platoon will have to march in double time to get back to base before nightfall .

  9. 他起先称这一天为装饰日,在这天带领士兵们到阿灵顿公墓,在南北军的烈士墓前都献上了鲜花。

    He called it Decoration Day and celebrated it by visiting the Arlington National Cemetery and placing flowers on the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers .

  10. 任何童军,在其准备晋升为深资童军前三个月内,可以开始考取深资童军支部的会员章。

    A ny scouts may begin the training and assessment of the Venture Scout Membership Badge three months prior to joining the venture scout units .