
  1. 大家尊程婴为“爱婴护幼神”,每年农历三月十五,感恩祭拜。

    S.infants and to " love God Infant Care ," 15 the third lunar month every year , Thanksgiving worship .

  2. 农历三月初二那天下午,下了好几天的雨暂时停了。

    On the afternoon of the2nd of the3rd lunar month , the rain that had been going on for days let up .

  3. 农历三月初三那天,我在一片欢快的歌声中接近了那些能歌善舞的畲家人。

    On the3rd of the3rd lunar month , amid the sound of merry songs , I approached those She people , who are good singers and dancers .

  4. 全港的天后庙中,以位于清水湾半岛大庙湾的一间最负盛名,每逢农历三月二十三日天后宝诞,都有很多善信前往进香。

    During Tin Hau Festival , which falls on the23rd day of the third moon , many worshippers visit the most famous Tin Hau temple at Joss House Bay on the Clear Water Bay Peninsula .