
  1. 从解决现实问题出发对农村小额贷款业务进行研究分析。

    Analyzed rural micro-loan with the purpose of solving existing problems .

  2. 我国农村小额贷款公司可持续发展问题研究

    A Study on Sustainable Development of China 's Rural Micro-loan Companies

  3. 农村小额贷款的制度性缺陷及风险预测&基于运营模式和现金流模型的风险分析

    Risk Analysis based on Cash Flow Mode to the Microfinance in Rural Credit Cooperative

  4. 扬子江船业的独资子公司认购靖江市润元农村小额贷款有限公司51%的股权。

    Subscription Of51 % Of The Equity Interest In The Capital Of Jiangsu Runyuan Rural Microfinance Co.

  5. 近年来,各银行业金融机构按照监管部门的指导和要求,围绕发展农村小额贷款业务、改进三农金融服务做了大量工作,取得了明显成效。

    Financial institutions have made a lot of improvement in developing microcredit and financial service in rural areas in accordance to principals of supervising institutions , which makes notable achievements .

  6. 第二部分是理论阐述,着重理论基础的建立,我国小额贷款发展和研究的实际情况以及国外农村小额贷款的成功发展经验。

    The second part described the theory , focusing on establishing the theoretical basis , the development of microcredit and the actual research situation and the foreign successful development of rural microcredit experience .

  7. 第六部分为农信社可持续发展的多元化对策,从不良贷款的处置、农信社经营机制创新、农信社自身制度改革、农信社外部环境优化等方面,对农村小额贷款进行优化。

    The 7th part is diversified countermeasures of disposal , optimizing rural credit cooperatives through dealing with bad loans innovation on the cooperatives operating mechanism , system reform about rural credit cooperative , the optimization of external environment for rural microcredit .

  8. 农村小额贷款是一种全新的信贷扶贫方式,它是人们对传统的扶贫手段不断思考、创新的果实,它的出现和发展为解决三农问题提供了不可或缺的积极途径。

    Through constantly thinking and innovation , it becomes the fruits of the traditional tool for poverty alleviation , and its emergence and development have provided some indispensable and positive ways to solve the problem of the " three rural " .

  9. 第四部分为农信社的风险分析,基于现金流模型,论证了因为宏观经济指标的影响带来的风险,以及农信社的制度性风险;第五部分为农村小额贷款存在的制度性缺陷。

    The fifth part is the risk of rural credit cooperatives , based on cash flow model analysis , demonstrating the effect of macroeconomic indicators because of the risks of the rural credit cooperatives , and institutional risk ; The sixth is existing institutional defections in rural microcredit .

  10. 农村小额信用贷款的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis of Small - loan to Farmer

  11. 但是,受社会环境以及小额贷款运营过程、业务发展、自身管理等多方面因素的影响,农村青年创业小额贷款业务的发展与农村创业青年的创业愿望相比还有较大差距。

    However , due to the influence of social environment , operation process loans , business development and management , the rural youths still have far away from their wishes .

  12. “我开”是向中国农村地区经营者提供小额贷款的微型金融机构。

    Wokai is a microfinance organization that provides small loans to entrepreneurs in rural China .

  13. 小额信贷机构有效地为农村贫困人口提供小额贷款与其他金融产品,解决了农村金融的困境。

    The microfinance organizations effectively offer microcredit for the poor in countryside , and solve the trouble of credit .

  14. 国际金融公司通过在中国的咨询服务,帮助建立和扩大了7家与农村金融有关的小额贷款机构。

    IFC has helped to develop and expand seven microfinance institutions related to rural finance through its advisory services unit in China .

  15. 通过给农村创业青年提供小额贷款,帮助他们实现创业,是促进农业增产、农民增收和农村经济发展的重要渠道。

    To providing microcredit for rural entrepreneurial youth and help them achieve business is an important channel to promoting agricultural production and peasants and rural economic development .

  16. 继续推进草原基本经营制度改革。发展农民专业合作社,提高农业组织化程度。加快培育小型农村金融机构,积极推广农村小额信用贷款,切实改善农村金融服务。

    We will continue to reform the basic system for the use of grasslands , develop specialized farmer cooperatives , improve the organization of agriculture , more quickly develop small rural financial institutions , actively promote micro-credit loans in rural areas , and improve rural financial services .