
  • 网络agronomic measures;agricultural measures;cultivation method
  1. 不同农艺措施对春小麦群体干物质积累的影响

    Effect of Different Agricultural Measures on Dry Matter Accumulation of Spring Wheat Population

  2. 不同生态区农艺措施对迎茬大豆效果研究

    Study on the Effect of Agricultural Measures on Soybean Following Next Crop in Different Ecology Areas

  3. 小麦和玉米(20+40)cm种植模式农艺措施的研究

    The research of agronomic measure for cropping pattern in wheat and maize

  4. 因此利用植物生物技术选育低积累镉的植物基因型、采取相应的农艺措施、控制Cd在食物链中的迁移是农产品安全生产的有效途径。

    Therefore , controlling transfer of cadmium in the food chain through plant biotechnology and agronomic management , including reducing cadmium content in phosphoric fertilizer , increasing soil pH , improving crop rotation may be the available approach for agricultural food safety .

  5. 4半方差分析结果表明,土壤pH值不仅变异很小,空间结构性也很弱,表明土壤酸度是一种与土壤发育密切相关的属性,施肥等农艺措施的不同对土壤酸度影响较小;

    In the large-scale management farm . 4 Semi-variance analysis showed that the variability of soil pH was not only small but also there was a weak spatial structure which indicated soil pH was only slightly affected by the field management such as cultivations , fertilization .

  6. 下部叶烟碱含量随着T的增加而减少。在120cm×45cm的种植密度+112.5kg/hm2的氮肥施用量+18片/株的留叶数的农艺措施组合下,烟碱含量最低。

    The nicotine content was the lowest when the plant density was 120cm × 45cm , fertilizer N application was 112.5 kg / hm2 with 18 leaves remaining per plant .

  7. 宁南旱地冬小麦丰产栽培综合农艺措施优化方案的研究通过回归分析,得出在宁南半干旱地区微集水种植谷子比较适宜的沟垄宽度为45cm。

    Optimal Scheme of Comprehensive Agronomic Measures for High Yield Winter Wheat Cultivation in Rainfed Area in the South of Ningxia By regression analysis , the optimum width of ridge and furrow was about 45 cm .

  8. 剖析了播期(X1)、密度(X2)、氮肥(X3)、磷肥(X4)四项综合农艺措施的主效应和交互效应与产量的关系。

    The relations between the yield and the main effect and interaction of four synthetic measures of agriculture namely seeding time ( X 1 ), density ( X 2 ), nitrogenous fertiliser ( X 3 ), phosphate fertilizer ( X 4 ) have been analyzed .

  9. 春小麦新品种吉麦2号最佳农艺措施的研究

    The best agronomic practices of new spring wheat variety Jimai No.2

  10. 番茄高产栽培农艺措施组合模型的研究

    Combinative Model Study of Agronomic Cultivated Measures for High Yield Tomato

  11. 农艺措施对作物秸秆饲用营养价值的影响

    Effect of Agricultural Measure on Crop Stalk Nutritive Value as Forage

  12. 水稻抛秧种植综合农艺措施研究

    Studies on Comprehensive Agronomic Measures for Rice Planting by Throwing Seedling

  13. 农艺措施对茶叶农药残留成分降解的作用

    The effects of agronomic measures on degradation of pesticide residue in tea

  14. 综合农艺措施对棉花产量的影响

    Effects of Comprehensive Agronomic Measures on the yield of cotton

  15. 威优481综合农艺措施数学模型

    Study on Mathematical Model of 481 Weiyou Synthetical Agronomic Measure

  16. 棉花高密度栽培配套农艺措施的研究

    Study on Cotton High Density Planting with Necessary Agriculture Measure

  17. 并根据试验结果筛选出最佳农艺措施方案。

    The best cultivation scheme could be chosen according to experimental result .

  18. 春玉米高产栽培的综合农艺措施的优选法

    Optimization on Integrated Agronomic Measure for Spring Corn High-Yield Culture

  19. 雁青秋大豆综合农艺措施数学模型分析

    A Mathematical Model Analysis of Composite Agronomic Measures on Autumn Soybean Yanqing

  20. 提高亚麻生产田种子产量采取的农艺措施

    The Agronomical Measures for the improvement of Flax Seed Production

  21. 麦后移栽棉高产栽培规律及其综合农艺措施研究

    Principles and techniques of high yielding cultivation in transplanted cotton following barley

  22. 豌豆套种马铃薯综合农艺措施的数学模型研究

    The Mathematical Model of Multiple Agronomic Practice for Interplanting Peas with Potatoes

  23. 农艺措施下春小麦非充分灌溉制度的研究

    A Study of Deficit Irrigation Schedule of Spring Wheat under Agronomic Management

  24. 不同农艺措施对保护地土壤次生盐渍化的防治效果

    Prevent effects of the different agronomy mensures to secondary salinization on protect soil

  25. 再生稻高产栽培综合农艺措施研究

    A study of high-yield cultivation techniques for ratooning rice

  26. 玉米主要农艺措施产量函数模型的研究

    A study on the yield function model of corn applied main cultural practices

  27. 春玉米高产农艺措施数量分类初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Classification of the Cultivation Measures for Spring Maize

  28. 地模棉花优质高产农艺措施的产量函数模型

    A Simulation Model of Agronomic Practices for Good-quality and High-yield Cotton under Rim-mulching

  29. 燕麦耐盐生理特性及农艺措施调控研究

    Physiological Characteristics under Salt Stress of Oat and Its Regulation Through Agronomic Measures

  30. 农艺措施对苹果幼树长期低剂量铜胁迫的影响

    Effects of Agronomic Measures on Long-term Toxicity of Low-dose Copper for Apple Trees