
  • Winter Palace;【地名】【俄罗斯】Zimniy Dvorets
  1. 作为艺术界的一位巨匠,这位圣彼得堡冬宫博物馆(statehermitagemuseum)馆长通常都会吸引很多的观众。

    The director of the state Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg , an art world luminary , often draws a crowd .

  2. 我参观过俄罗斯圣彼得堡的冬宫博物馆(HermitageMuseum),在那里我什么都不能碰。

    I 'd been in the Hermitage Museum [ in St. Petersburg , Russia ] where I couldn 't touch anything .

  3. 而冬宫的大理石装饰光彩夺目,五彩缤纷,价值连城!

    But the magnificence of sparkling marble adornment , colourful , priceless !

  4. 大都是他的冬宫,也就是今日的北京。

    This was his winter home and it is now called peking .

  5. 气势宏伟的俄国冬宫给我们留下了深刻的印象。

    We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russia 's Winter Palace .

  6. 巨大的冬宫广场中间竖立着亚历山大圆柱。

    In the middle of the huge Palace Square stands the Alexander Column .

  7. 总统明天将在冬宫举行就职典礼。

    The president will be inaugurated at a ceremony in the winter palace tomorrow .

  8. 这样,琥珀屋就成了沙皇在圣彼得堡冬宫的一部分。

    So the Amber Room became part of the Czar 's winter palace in St Petersburg .

  9. 过了桥转到冬宫的后面,巨大的冬宫广场中间竖立着亚历山大圆柱。

    Cross the bridge and turn behind the Winter Palace . In the middle of the huge Palace Suqare stands the Alexander Couumn .

  10. 站在维丝利瓦斯基岛的西端,右边是优雅的冬宫,是沙皇从前的住处。

    Stand at the western tip of Vasilievsky Island . To the right is the elegant Winter Palace , former home of the czars .

  11. 阿喀琉斯耳聋,还有未透露的出生缺陷。冬宫博物馆猫咪事务新闻秘书玛利亚-赫图内说这表明它的直觉很好。

    Achilles is deaf and also has an undisclosed birth defect that Hermitage Cats Press Secretary Maria Haltunen says is an indicator of good intuition .

  12. 本文对故宫博物院与卢浮宫、冬宫(艾尔米塔什)三座皇宫博物馆的开放进行了比较研究。

    This paper makes a comparative study of the opening of the Palace Museum , Louvre and the State Hermitage , three imperial palace museums .

  13. 右边是优雅的冬宫,是沙皇从前的住处。沙皇政府在1905年12月查封了这家报馆。

    To the right is the elegant Winter Palace , former home of the czars . The tsarist government closed down the newspaper in December 1905 .

  14. 意大利建筑师巴尔托洛梅奥•拉斯特列利在这里创造出被称为俄国巴洛克式的风格,主要的实例是具有许多屋顶栏柱和雕像的冬宫。

    Italian architect , Bartolomeo Rastrelli , created a style here known as Russian Baroque . A prime example is the Winter Palace with its many rooftopcolumns and statues .

  15. 来到这里,你可以在冬宫的宏伟中享受琼浆,搭船漂过宏伟的运河,一睹沙皇金碧辉煌的财富。

    You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace , to float down the majestic canals , to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence .

  16. 市内的著名旅游点众多,当中包括全市最大的圣埃塞大教堂、为纪念打败拿破仑而建的亚历山大纪念柱、由冬宫改建的隐士卢博物馆等。

    The famous tourist spots , including the largest holy Ethiopia cathedral , built to commemorate defeated napoleon by the magnificence of Alexander this , the hermit Lou museum reconstruction .

  17. 从沙皇大教堂到冬宫,再到世界上最重要的博物馆之一冬宫博物馆,这所城市对于爱好文化的旅客来说有很多东西可以去体验。

    From czarist cathedrals to the Winter Palace to the Hermitage , one of the most important museums in the world , there 's plenty to do in the city for a cultured traveler .