
chōng xiàn
  • breast the tape
冲线[chōng xiàn]
  1. 在世界车手锦标赛上,领先选手比瑞典人快一步冲线。

    The world drivers ' championship leader crossed the line ahead of the Swede .

  2. 对难分先后的冲线镜头的回放显示奥蒂先于奥运冠军到达终点。

    The replays of the close finish showed Ottey finished ahead of the Olympic champion .

  3. 该文介绍的气冲线平面布置方案计算机辅助设计和绘图系统,以IBMPc/AT为主机,以AUTOCAD绘图软件包为主要支撑软件。

    The computer aided design and drawing system for air impact moulding line plane layout project described in this paper involves IBM PC / AT as the principal machine and Auto CAD drawing software package as the maim support software .

  4. 本文概述在EPA-74脉冲线加速器上进行的虚阴极振荡微波辐射实验。

    This is the summarization of a virtual cathode radiation experiment on the EPA - 74 pulse-line accelerator .

  5. 佩佐冲线,双臂高举庆祝胜利。

    Pezzo crosses the line with arms up celebrating victory .

  6. 一个人在跑步跑到终点的时候,在冲线的时候,一边写的终点,一边写的起点,就像这篇作文,你想写什么东西呢?

    It is true that any finish of one thing leads to a new start .

  7. 在湿地状况下一如既往的快而出色,从第十七位出发而冲线,毫不畏惧。

    He was consistently quick and excelled in the wet conditions to move up from17th on the grid without any scares .

  8. 本研究所创建的冲线模式是依据多变量函数极值法与静力学力矩平衡原理设计而成。

    The loom finish modeling in this research is designed according to the extreme of function and the statics moment balance theory .

  9. 虽然李华是最后一个冲线的人,但他赢得了勇气杯。

    Although Li Hua was the last one to cross the finishing line , he won the " Courage Cup " with honor .

  10. 比赛最后赛段位于遮打道,参赛者要坐在大班椅让队友斗快将他们推过终点冲线。

    The final leg requires participants to sit on boardroom chairs on Chater Road while their partners push them to the finishing line .

  11. 中国队的李鸿泉在第一轮比赛中第三个冲线,受到了家乡粉丝的热烈欢迎。

    China 's Li Hongquan inspired much happiness among the home fans in race one , as he was the third sailor to anchor home .

  12. 他说道:“她付出了自己的一切,在最后冲线时,她的腿没力气了。这不是有意的。”

    She gave everything she had and her legs gave out at the line , ' he said . ' It was not intentional . '

  13. 在田径女子400米决赛最后阶段,肖恩·米勒“鱼跃”冲线,击败美国选手埃里森·菲利克斯夺得金牌之后,却被质疑“作弊”。

    Shaunae Miller was accused of cheating after she dived over the line to beat USA 's Allyson Felix to gold in the 400 metres .

  14. “我们已经接近冲线,客战切塞纳将是非常重要的比赛,”他在明天晚上的比赛之前说。

    " We are closing in on the finish line and the trip to Cesena will be a very important game ," he said ahead of tomorrow night 's match .

  15. 滑铁卢大学的学生最令人惊异的第一印象,就是他们竞走般的步行速度:双臂摆动配合著交替的步伐,如野火蔓延穿梭于公园般美丽的校园,彷佛向著终点冲线。

    The first thing that strikes you about students at the University of Waterloo is how quickly they walk : arms pumping , legs churning , they burn across the park-like campus as if surging towards some invisible finish line .