
dòng yǔ
  • freezing rain;sleet;ice rain;shower
冻雨 [dòng yǔ]
  • [sleet;freezing rain] 以液态降落的雨,系与地面或暴露物体碰撞时冻结所致

冻雨[dòng yǔ]
  1. 低温、冻雨、湿雪、冰冻等天气会造成输电线路严重覆冰,引起覆冰闪络、导线舞动、断线、倒塔等电网灾害。

    Transmission line icing which is caused by the weather of low temperature , ice rain , wet snow and frost will bring forth disasters , such as icing flashover , transmission line galloping , line breaking , and tower collapse .

  2. 冰雹和冻雨都是降水的形式。

    Hail and sleet are types of precipitation .

  3. 救援指挥中心的信息显示,当日下午1点左右,冰雹、冻雨和强风突然袭击高海拔赛段20至31公里处。因气温急剧下降,参赛人员出现身体不适。

    According to the rescue headquarters , at about 1 pm on Saturday , hail , freezing rain and gales due to the sudden drop in temperature .

  4. HACCP在蔬菜冷冻干燥过程中应用的研究2008年初江南冻雨过程的湿大气锋生

    The Application of HACCP System in the Production of the Fruit and Vegetable Materials of Freeze-dried Frontal genesis of moisture atmosphere during the early 2008 persistent freezing-rain event in southern China

  5. 由反常降雨引发的山洪暴发更加普遍,而干旱和冻雨(dzud)植被上方的一层冰冻了的降雨已经摧毁了农业。

    Flash floods caused by erratic rainfall are becoming increasingly common , while drought and dzud a layer of frozen rain over vegetation have devastated agriculture .

  6. 夹杂着冻雨的风暴,使得所有的东西都附着上冰。

    A storm with freezing rain that leaves everything glazed with ice .

  7. 冻雨能把你的车封住并把你锁在里面。

    Freezing rain can seal off your car and lock you inside .

  8. 有冻雨或者部分冰冻的雨组成,具有冻雨的特点。

    Consisting of or of the nature of frozen or partially frozen rain .

  9. 基于多普勒天气雷达产品的降雪及冻雨综合分析

    Comprehensive Analysis on Snow and Freezing-rain Events Based on Doppler Weather Radar in Ningbo

  10. 2008年河南持续低温、冻雨和暴雪成因

    Causes for Continuous Low Temperature , Freezing Rain and Snowstorm of Henan in 2008

  11. 雪和冻雨每年要光顾这个地方一两次。

    Once or twice each year , snow and sleet move into the area .

  12. 一部分是冻雨。

    Some of this water is sleet .

  13. 输电线在冻雨荷载作用下的动力响应

    Cable 's dynamic response under ice-rain load

  14. 天津机场地区冻雨天气分析

    Analysis of Freezing Rains at Tianjin Airport

  15. 最糟糕的天气是又碰上冻雨与雨加雪,弄得路上很湿滑。

    The worst is when there is freezing rain and sleet and the roads are slippery .

  16. 中低层维持深厚高湿环境也是冻雨天气出现与维持的一个重要条件;

    The persistent deep and humid low-middle layer is also the important condition for freezing rain .

  17. 贵州冻雨时空分布变化特征及其影响因素浅析

    Analyses on the Space-Time Distribution Characteristics and Their Influence Factors of Freezing Rain in Guizhou Province

  18. 冻雨凝结在树枝上,反射着街灯发出的光。

    The sleet stuck to the branches of trees and reflected the light from the street lamps .

  19. 这种看似简单的“敲敲打打”,正是化解冻雨对电力设施损害的有效方法。

    This seemingly simple " hammering " is to resolve freezing rain damage to power facilities and effective way .

  20. 扎塔利没有雪,但是冻雨和严寒同样糟糕。

    There is no snow in Zaatari , but the rain and the bitter cold are just as bad .

  21. 我们大多数在晚上工作,就在加拿大的郊区,捱着冻雨去拍摄,直到太阳出来为止。

    We were working mostly nights , filming in the freezing rain in rural Canada until the sun came up .

  22. 雪,冰,冻雨,雨夹雪还有严寒,这些风暴席卷这个国家的大部分地区。

    Snow , ice , freezing rain , sleet and bitter cold-these storms spread across huge parts of the country .

  23. 长江中下游一次暴雪冻雨微物理过程模拟研究

    Microphysical process simulation of a snowstorm freezing rain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River , China

  24. 林小姐忽然走出蝴蝶门来站在街边看那索索的冻雨。

    Miss Lin suddenly emerged through the swinging doors and stood at the front window watching the cold hissing rain .

  25. 在扎塔利的联合国营地,冻雨使地面变得泥泞不堪而且水涌进了帐篷。

    At the U.N. camp in Zaatari , chill rains turn the ground to mud and water pours into the tents .

  26. 冰、冰雹、雪、冻雨,一些地方几乎不可能前往任何地方。

    Ice , sleet , snow , freezing rain , all making it nearly impossible in some places to go anywhere .

  27. 在四川省毛竹资源集中产地宜宾市,调查2008年初冰雪冻雨天气对毛竹造成的危害,分析毛竹受害程度和分级状况。

    Investigation on the damage of Pinus elliottii in the freezing rain and snow area of southern China was done in2008 .

  28. 在春天的脚步即将来临之际,一场雪夹杂着冰雹和冻雨袭击了东海岸。

    A mix of snow , sleet and freezing rain has pummeled East Coast just days before the arrival of spring .

  29. 有时候会有夹着雷鸣闪电的暴风雨。夹杂着冻雨的风暴,使得所有的东西都附着上冰。

    Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning . a storm with freezing rain that leaves everything glazed with ice .

  30. 融雪和雨滴与冷空气相遇时,它们会变成小冰粒,也就是俗称的冻雨。

    When melting snow-crystals or raindrops fall through very cold air , they freeze to form small particles of ice , called sleet .