
  • 网络quasi-public goods;quasi public goods;Semi-Public Goods
  1. 现代农业的准公共物品特征及其政策意义

    The Characteristics of Quasi-public Goods in Modern Agriculture and the Policy Implications

  2. 基于需求收入弹性的农村准公共物品供给研究

    Study of Rural Quasi-Public Goods Supply Based on Income Elasticity

  3. 高校旅游的外部性主要表现为消费的正外部性和消费的负外部性,高校旅游消费外部性的根源在于其准公共物品的属性;

    Positive externalities and negative externalities are shown during college tourism .

  4. 因此,在生活中,纯粹的公共物品并不多见,大部分是准公共物品。

    Therefore , the pure public goods are not seen in reality .

  5. 浅析我国准公共物品中的垄断及其改革

    Analysis of Monopoly and Reform of the Equal Public Goods in China

  6. 从组织提供的产品来看,非营利组织提供的是公共物品或准公共物品;

    What it produces is public goods or quasi - public goods ;

  7. 社会认可、政府补贴与促进准公共物品私人供给

    Society Approving , Government Subsidy and Promote Private Provision of Quasi-public Goods

  8. 准公共物品分类探讨

    On the classification of the quasi - public effects

  9. 准公共物品与游览参观点门票价格研究

    Research of Quasi-public Goods and Scenic Spot Ticket Pricing

  10. 信息资源是准公共物品,流动容易,费用相对低廉,是取之不尽用之不竭的无形资源。

    Information resource is quasi public article which has lower price and moves easily .

  11. 社会影响效应与促进准公共物品私人供给

    Social Impact and Private Provision of Public Goods

  12. 无形资源包括信息、知识、技术进步等,信息资源属于准公共物品,和材料、能源共同构成人类赖以生存的三大资源。

    Immateriality resource includes information and knowledge , and information resource is commonality goods .

  13. 准公共物品的市场化提供机制及其评价&以高速公路为例

    Market Supplying System and Evaluation of Mixed Goods & Take Highway as An Example

  14. 论城市准公共物品的合理提供

    On the Supply of Urban Quasi-Public Goods

  15. 城市准公共物品在城市经济发展中起着十分重要的作用。

    The quasi-public goods of a city play a very important role in urban economy .

  16. 高速公路是一种极其重要的基础性的准公共物品。

    Highway is important basic quasi-public goods .

  17. 作为一种准公共物品,教育应当由政府公共财政作为主要支出。

    As a quasi-public product , education should be mainly based on the government public finance .

  18. 水资源是一种公共资源,由于它具有准公共物品的特殊性质,其合理的开发、利用和保护一直是一个很难解决的问题。

    It is a troublesome business to reasonably utilize and protect water resource as impure public goods .

  19. 我国城市准公共物品的供给方式已多样化,但仍存在总量供给不足和供给结构不合理等现象。

    Although having varied supply mode , there still exist problems of insufficient quantity and unreasonable supply structure .

  20. 公共物品理论的发展,允许政府和市场联合提供准公共物品。

    The development of public goods theory allows the joint supply of quasi-public goods by the government and market .

  21. 本文认为,社区体育的产品性质可以分为三种类别,即公共物品,准公共物品以及私人物品。

    The product properties of community sports can be divided into three categories : public , quasi-public and private products .

  22. 准公共物品由政府管理较社区管理,更具规模效益和社会效益。

    Para-public goods should be managed from the government to the complex with more scope benefit and the society benefit .

  23. 城市轨道交通的经济学理论基础是公共物品理论,但城市轨道又不同于纯粹的公共物品,它具有部分的非排他性以及部分的非竞争性,属于准公共物品。

    But the urban rail transit is not pure public goods but quasi-public goods which has some non-excludability and some non-competition .

  24. 塔里木河流域的水资源、荒地、生态环境等都可划入准公共物品或公共物品。

    Water resources , wasteland and ecological environment in Tarim River Basin can be classified as quasi-common goods or common goods .

  25. 经济意义:逆向物流具有准公共物品的特征,它产生的外部效应主要是正的外部效应,可以使其他企业、社会、消费者从中受益,还可以改善环境;

    Reverse logistics has positive externality . It can benefit other enterprises , society and customers , as well as environment .

  26. 城镇弱势群体法律援助服务作为城市准公共物品,必须在供给中引入竞争机制,提高供给效率。中国目前的城镇弱势群体法律援助体系存在着诸多问题。

    In China , there do exist a lot of problems in urban vulnerable groups ' legal aid system at present .

  27. 属于准公共物品的农村公路,从公共经济学上分析,其建设资金的来源应该主要是政府部门。

    In respect of public economy , rural roads as quasi-public goods , the investigating sources of them are mainly government departments .

  28. 首先,从公共选择理论的角度来看,由于高等教育具有准公共物品性质,国家助学贷款也是一种准公共物品,是一项公共政策和公共选择的结果。

    First , from the perspective of public choice , higher education is regarded as merit pubic goods , so is NSLS .

  29. 而学前教育所具有的特殊的准公共物品属性,决定了学前教育对政府管理和监督的特殊内在要求。

    Pre-school education with special properties of the quasi-public goods guides the pre-school special inherent requirement of the government administration and supervision .

  30. 由于公共租赁住房具有非排他性,是准公共物品,因此政府是公共租赁住房的主要供给主体。

    Because public rental housing is non-exclusive and quasi-public goods , the government is the main body in supply of public rental housing .