
  • 网络triumph;Roman triumph;triumphus
  1. 他在那里所受到的凯旋式热烈欢迎,足以证明他深得人心。

    The tumultuous welcome home he received there was token enough of his popularity .

  2. 给予一个英雄凯旋式的欢迎

    Accord a hero 's welcome

  3. 在为一个罗马将军进入这个世界的古都所举行的壮丽的凯旋式上,那根从叙利亚沿海路远迢迢运来的鲸骨,正是那铙钹齐鸣的行列中最引人注目的东西。

    In one of the mighty triumphs given to a Roman general upon his entering the world 's capital , the bones of a whale , brought all the way from the Syrian coast , were the most conspicuous object in the cymballed procession . See subsequent chapters for something more on this head .

  4. 我现在没有兴致搞凯旋阅兵式,大功尚未告成。

    I am not in the mood for a victory parade . We aren 't at the end yet .

  5. 开国大阅兵&对1949年10月1日的记录与回忆我现在没有兴致搞凯旋阅兵式,大功尚未告成。

    A Great Military Review on the Celebration of Founding the P.R.C I am not in the mood for a victory parade . We aren 't at the end yet .