
  • 网络distributed storage;distributed storage system;distributed memory;distributed repository
  1. 基于Internet的分布式存储访问模型研究

    Study on Internet Distributed Storage Access Model

  2. 基于分布式存储模式的XML对象迁移技术研究

    The study of object migration technology in distributed storage model

  3. 基于XCode和RSCode的二维分布式存储系统

    Distributed Two-dimensional Storage System Based on X Code and RS Code

  4. 以异构多核处理器Cell为实例,基于分布式存储模型为Cell处理器设计并实现了一个源到源编译器。

    Based on the distributed memory model , a source-to-source compiler is designed for a heterogeneous multi-core Cell .

  5. 基于P2P的数字图书馆资源分布式存储方案

    Scheme for Digital Library Resources Distributed Storage Based on P2P

  6. 基于概率预测的P2P分布式存储副本查找

    Query for P2P distributed storage replica based on probability budget

  7. 网络地理信息系统(WebGIS)是因特网与地理信息系统结合的产物,具有开放性好、数据分布式存储等优点。

    Based on Internet and GIS , Web GIS has many advantages such as good opening and data distributed storage .

  8. P2P分布式存储系统中冗余策略研究

    Research on Redundancy Policies of P2P Distributed Storage System

  9. 基于RS和Chord的分布式存储系统的设计

    Design of Distributed Storage System Based on RS and Chord

  10. 随着网络技术以及数据分布式存储技术的发展,分布式Web数据挖掘技术应运而生且逐渐成为研究的热点。

    With the development of network technology and distributed data storing technology , distributed Web data mining technology came into being , more and more focused on by researchers .

  11. 并且P2P网络在分布式存储,协同计算等应用领域也取得了长足的进展。

    And the P2P network in distributional storage , coordination computation and some application domain get a great development .

  12. 但由于P2P网络的分布式存储结构,其开放的网络环境使得其在使用过程中面临着诸多安全问题。

    But because of the distributed structure of P2P network , the open environment results of much security problem .

  13. 许多新型业务如远程协作,分布式存储,多人在线游戏等正被应用到P2P网络中。

    Many new applications such as remote collaboration , distributed storage , multiplayer online games are applied to the P2P network .

  14. 作者在对现有的P2P技术深入了解和研究后,设计了一个基于P2P的分布式存储系统&PeerStore。

    Based on in-depth understanding and research on current P2P technology , We design a P2P-based distributed storage system & PeerStore .

  15. 讨论在网络连接的分布式存储并行机群上进行CFD计算的一种负载平衡方法和相关问题。

    A method and the associated problems for load balancing of CFD calculation on cluster of computers is described .

  16. 随着空间数据获取能力的飞速发展,分布式存储管理的空间数据库将成为网络GIS的主要数据源。

    Since distributed spatial database will be the main data source of Internet GIS , we have to cope with the intercommunication between heterogeneous databases and systems .

  17. 基于DICOM标准的大型医学影像分布式存储系统研究

    Study of a Large Distributed Storage System for Medical Images Based on DICOM Standard

  18. 本文围绕着与海量数据P2P分布式存储系统相关的存储结构规划和存储组织管理进行研究,其目的是在现有的网络条件下构建具有稳固存储服务能力的P2P存储体系。

    The goal of the thesis is to set up a P2P distributed storage system with nice storage capacity under the existing network conditions .

  19. 在对网络分布存储及其技术研究的基础上,我们设计了一个基于P2P模型的分布式存储系统。

    Depending on our research on the distributed storage technology as below , we finally designed and implemented a P2P based distributed storage system .

  20. 人工神经网络(Artificialneuralnetwork,ANN)是模拟生物神经系统的非线性系统,具有强大的并行处理、分布式存储、自适应学习、高度容错的能力。

    Artificial neural network is a nonlinear system which simulates biological neural systems . It has powerful parallel processing , distributed storage , adaptive learning , a high degree of fault-tolerant capability .

  21. 其中,分布式存储系统HDFS作为GoogleFileSystem最为知名的开源实现,已经被广泛使用和研究。

    Among them , the distributed storage system named HDFS is the most well-known open source implementation of Google File System and it has been widely used and studied .

  22. 利用P2P计算技术,构建大规模分布式存储系统,可以支持海量用户和海量数据的数据共享和存储需求,是当前P2P计算研究和应用的一大热点。

    P2P distributed storage systems , constructed by P2P computing technique , can offer data sharing and storage services for massive users and massive data .

  23. 大规模并行处理系统(MPP)和PC机群为并行求解矩阵广义特征值问题提供了分布式存储环境。

    Massively Parallel Processing system ( MPP ) and PC cluster provide distributed-memory environments for parallel solving the generalized eigenvalue problem .

  24. 最后,Ceph是开源分布式存储,也是主线Linux内核(2.6.34)的一部分。

    Finally , Ceph is open source distributed storage and part of the mainline Linux kernel ( 2.6.34 ) .

  25. 利用基于RS纠删码的信息分散算法可构建高顽存的分布式存储系统。

    Information Dispersal Algorithm ( IDA ) based on Reed-Solomon ( RS ) code can be used in high strong and reliable distributed storage system .

  26. 分布式存储环境下的加性Schwarz方法

    Overlapping additive Schwarz methods for distributed memory machines

  27. 它使用S3进行所有结果数据(包括中间和最终数据)的分布式存储。

    It uses S3 as the distributed data store for all results ( both intermediate and final ) .

  28. 探讨了一种基于Java和XML技术的分布式存储结构,该结构主要用于解决异构的数据存储和数据交互问题,构造了一种Internet环境下的分布式数据存储模式。

    An architecture based on Java and XML , which is used to solve the heterogeneous data store and data exchange , is discussed . A new distributed data store architecture on Internet is built .

  29. 在此基础上,对系统涉及的关键技术进行了深入的研究,包括Android终端技术和分布式存储技术两方面。

    On this basis , we investigate the key technologies involved in-depth study , including two ways of Android terminal technology and distributed storage technology .

  30. 最近几年,随着网络技术的飞速发展,同时伴随着商业界和科学界的进步,Internet上的数据呈现出指数增长的趋势,越来越多的数据需要分布式存储。

    In recent years , along with the rapid development of network technology , coincided with the progress of science and business , Internet data shows exponential growth trend , so more and more data need distributed storage .