
fēn pèi
  • allocation;distribution;distribute;assignment;dispense;share;organize;organization;allotment;divide;division;share out;assign according to plan
分配 [fēn pèi]
  • (1) [distribute]∶按比例分发,尤指按比例分发给一个集团的成员

  • 分配住房

  • (2) [share]∶划分并按份分

  • 在继承人中分配遗产

  • (3) [divide]∶分成部分并分派或留出供各种处置、关心或活动之用

  • 在办公室和高尔夫球场之间分配他的时间

  • (4) [assign according to plan]∶大中专毕业生的指令性就业

分配[fēn pèi]
  1. 她把分配食物和药品的工作说成是组织管理上的噩梦。

    She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare .

  2. 其中一些灾民大声地抱怨紧急援助物资分配不公。

    Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid

  3. 这个报告研究了公司内部的人力分配问题。

    The report studies the organization of labour within the company .

  4. 这笔款项是在本地区的学校中分配的。

    The money was distributed among schools in the area .

  5. 你应该尽量更有效地分配你的时间。

    You should try and organize your time better .

  6. 分配给每个人的工作都是预先确定好的。

    Each person was given set jobs to do .

  7. 众议院的席位是根据各州的人口分配的。

    The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the population of each state .

  8. 斯塔克斯法官被指定监督资金的分配。

    Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds .

  9. 理事会想把钱分配到具体的工程。

    The council wants to dish the money out to specific projects .

  10. 他的儿子们为家产如何分配而吵得很凶。

    His sons quarrelled bitterly over the allocation of family resources

  11. 必须协调城市规划和土地分配之间的关系。

    Town planning and land allocation had to be coordinated .

  12. 采用了管控措施来重新分配资源或改变其流向。

    Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources .

  13. 赔偿金将在140名索赔人中分配。

    The compensation will be split between 140 claimants .

  14. 席位被分配给了赢得选票最多的候选人。

    The seats are allotted to the candidates who have won the most votes

  15. 我被分配负责这个班。

    I have been given charge of this class

  16. 通货膨胀被认为是有害的,因为它会对收入分配产生不利影响。

    Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution

  17. 行动小组通过将其任务分配给多个下属小组来完成工作。

    The Action Group worked by dividing its tasks among a large number of subgroups .

  18. 10名员工被分配来完成这项任务。

    10 staff were allocated to the task

  19. 设备已经按照令状分配好了。

    Equipment is allocated by warrant .

  20. 将不再资助其他地区,以便资金可以重新分配给饱受矿井关闭影响的城镇。

    Other areas are to lose aid so that money can be reallocated to towns devastated by pit closures .

  21. 银行的地方市场份额通常会在当地分行和其他各地分行之间平均分配。

    A bank 's local market share tends to be divided equally between the local branch and branches located elsewhere

  22. 很多人厌倦了因为自己的财富而不受欢迎,从而会鼓励更加均匀地分配财富。

    Many are tired of being unpopular because of their wealth and would encourage more even distribution of it .

  23. 他被分配了一个苦差,要点头哈腰地去拜访那些愿意掏钱资助的公司。

    He has been given the unenviable task of going round , cap in hand , to various generous companies .

  24. 我们相信你能够重新分配这笔钱,以公平合理地照顾市中心的贫民。

    We believe you can redistribute this money in a way that 's equitable to take care of the poor of the inner city .

  25. 每个人都分配了销售邮票的指标。

    Each person was given a quota of stamps to sell .

  26. 老师给他们每个人都分配了假日的任务。

    The teacher assigned each of them a holiday task .

  27. 他们要求合理分配这些钱。

    They required an equitable division of the money .

  28. 根据人口统计数据重新分配了国会议席。

    Congressional seats are reapportioned based on census data .

  29. 每年国家规划并分配特别的研究题目。

    Every year a national plan outlines and assigns special problems for research .

  30. 由于受旧观念的影响,有些单位分配工作按资排辈。

    Influenced by old ideas , some units assign posts according to seniority .