
  1. 教师创造像创客空间那样的环境。

    You 're ereating this environment , like a maker space .

  2. 这些创客空间通常位于教室之外,具有重要的教育功能。

    These maker spaces are often outside of classrooms , and are serving an important educational function .

  3. 创客运动重新发现了通过实践去学习这一观点,而这正是杜威100年前所提出的。

    The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing , which is Dewey 's phrase from 100 years ago .

  4. 所以,如今创客运动在美国各地的社区和一些学校蓬勃发展也就不足为奇了。

    So it 's no surprise that the Maker Movement today is thriving in communities and some schools across America .

  5. 创客空间可以是学校的某个地方,但和教室不同。

    A maker space is a place which can be in a school , but it doesn 't look like a classroom .

  6. 正如我们所指出的,创客哲学与约翰·杜威、蒙台梭利甚至古希腊哲学家提倡的古老的理念相呼应。

    The maker philosophy echoes old ideas advocated by John Dewey , Montessori , and even ancient Greek philosophers , as we pointed out recently .

  7. 我认为创客空间更像是一个图书馆,在那里你可以学习多种科目和內容。

    I think a maker space is more like a like a library in that there are multiple subjects and multiple things that you can learn .

  8. 创客空间也称为hackerspaces或fablabs,在全球不断涌现。

    Makerspaces , hackerspaces , and fab labs are popping up left and right both in and out of New York .

  9. 但是,快速致富的同时能够保持创新自主权,才是雅创客之梦。

    But getting rich quick and preserving creative autonomy ? That 's the yuccie dream .

  10. 它是蓬勃发展的创客运动的一部分,鼓励人们创新。

    They 're a part of the growing maker movement , which encourages people to invent and create .

  11. 创客空间指的是社区化运营的工作空间,在这里,有共同兴趣的人们(通常是对电脑、机械、技术、科学、数字艺术活电子技术)可以聚会,社交,展开合作。

    A makerspace ( also referred to as a hacklab , hackerspace or hackspace ) is a community-operated workspace where people with common interests , often in computers , machining , technology , science , digital art or electronic art , can meet , socialize and collaborate .

  12. 在创客嘉年华(MakerCarnival)期间(10月2日至3日),这个从前的电厂将挤满3-D打印爱好者。

    The former power plant will be overrun with 3-D printing enthusiasts during the Maker Carnival ( Oct. 2-3 ) .

  13. 杂志MakeMagazine的联合创始人多尔蒂(DaleDougherty)对创客给出的定义是建造、创造或捣鼓出实际材料的人,无论这些实际材料是食物、衣物还是小器具。

    Make Magazine co-founder Dale Dougherty defines a maker as someone who builds , creates or hacks physical materials , whether food , clothing or gadgets .

  14. 帮助创办了LittleBaby'sIceCream的彼得·安杰文(PeteAngevine)说,他非常喜欢这个主意,公司计划在费城的创客空间NextFab用液态氮进行实验,测试这一方法。

    Pete Angevine , who helped found Little Baby 's Ice Cream , says he liked that idea so much that the company plans to test it by experimenting with liquid nitrogen at NextFab , a Philadelphia maker space .

  15. 克莱恩最近在做的是一个名叫DIY的儿童“创客”(maker)网站,他很想把比弗布鲁克变成一个民间学校和艺术家创作地。

    Mr. Klein , whose latest endeavor is DIY , an online " maker " site for children , is keenly interested in turning Beaver Brook into both a folk school and an artists " residency .

  16. 我们希望其他创客也能这样,

    So we want other designers to pick this up

  17. 去年,约有5%的申请者提交了自己的创客档案。

    Last year , about 5 percent of applicants submitted a Makers Portfolio .

  18. 一场涉及开源硬件和创客的运动,

    and it 's the one that has to do with open-source hardware and the maker 's movement ,

  19. 人们也称她Ladyada,她是开源硬件活动和创客活动的领军人物之一。

    also known as Ladyada , who is one of the heroes of the open-source hardware movement and the maker movement .

  20. 他们就是被那些参与“创客空间”或“共享经济”的人轻易忽视的群体。

    These are the people that those involved in " maker spaces " or " the sharing economy " conveniently ignore .

  21. 他们认为,创客档案生动地反映出,大学可以更好地将招生过程与自己的文化和价值观统一起来。

    They describe the Makers Portfolio as an intriguing glimpse of how a college might better align its process with its culture and values .