
  • 网络creative thinking ability
  1. 试论创造性思维能力在高校中的培养

    Brief Comment on Fostering Creative Thinking Ability in Colleges and Universities

  2. 长沙市667名中学生创造性思维能力及相关因素分析

    Factors Influencing Creative Thinking Ability of Middle School Students in Changsha

  3. PDPE充分体现了对大学生逻辑思维和创造性思维能力的培养;为培养和开发学生的多元化智能、实现英语专业教学目标提供了科学保障。

    PDPE will cultivate the students logic and innovative thinking and develop their multiple intelligence , providing guarantee for the fulfillment the teaching goals for English majors .

  4. 数学解题方法中学生创造性思维能力的培养

    Foster the Students ' Creative Thought Ability in Solving Mathematic Problems

  5. 历史教学与学生创造性思维能力的培养

    History Teaching and Developing the Ability of Students ' Creative Thinking

  6. 创造性思维能力是现代人素质的核心。

    Creative thinking ability is Core of modern people 's quality .

  7. 《中国地理》教学中学生创造性思维能力的培养

    Cultivation of students ' creative thinking ability in Chinese Geography instruction

  8. 学校教育在学生的职业选择过程中起到了哪些指导和帮助的作用?②要注意培养学生的创造性思维能力,鼓励创造性鉴赏。

    Which helps do the vocational schools give to the students ?

  9. 论高等美术教育创造性思维能力的培养

    The Discussion of Cultivating Creative Thought Power in Higher Education

  10. 白日梦幻可以导致自我控制的改善和创造性思维能力的增强。

    Daydreaming may result in improved self-control and enhanced creative thinking ability .

  11. 初中美术教育与学生创造性思维能力的培养

    Art in Junior Middle School and the Cultivation of Creative Thinking Ability

  12. 艺术课程教学要培养学生创造性思维能力

    The Teaching of Art Course to Gave Students Creative Abilities

  13. 试论艺术设计中的创新思维培养数学建模与创造性思维能力的培养

    Mathematical Modeling and the Training for Ability of Creative Thought

  14. 学生创造性思维能力的培养是数学教学的任务之一。

    Fostering the student innovative thinking is one of mathematics teaching tasks .

  15. 创造性思维能力培养中的哲学原则也谈立法原则&兼论李步云教授的立法思想

    Philosophical Principles in Fostering Creative Thinking Ability On legislative principles

  16. 运用数码三维建模提高创造性思维能力

    Improving Innovation Designing Abilities by Using Numeral Three-Dimensional Modeling

  17. 建筑美术教学中创造性思维能力的培养刍议建筑美术教学的弊端及改革措施

    On Creative Thinking In Architectual Art Education Architectural Art Educational Reformational and Strategy

  18. 论大学语文课程对学生创造性思维能力的培养

    On Cultivation of Students ' Thinking Ability in College Courses of Chinese Language

  19. 论中学数学教学中的创造性思维能力及培养

    On Developing Students ' Ability of Creative Thinking in Middle School Mathematics Teaching

  20. 浅谈教师对学生创造性思维能力的培养

    On How teachers Train student 's creative Thinking Ability

  21. 教育创新需要培养学生的创造性思维能力。

    It is necessary to train students'creative thinking ability in the educational creation .

  22. 作文教学创造性思维能力的培养

    The Developing of Creative Thought Ability in Writing Teaching

  23. 对英语教学中创造性思维能力的思考

    Meditation on Creative Thinking Ability in English Teaching

  24. 创造性思维能力的培养途径和措施

    Training Channel and Measure of Creative Thinking ability

  25. 论掌握创造性思维能力的原理

    Theory of Mastering the Ability of Creative Thinking

  26. 高职学生创新能力与创造性思维能力的培养

    Remarks on Innovative Ability and Creative Thoughts Training of Students in Higher Vocational College

  27. 发散思维的培养有利于提高学生的创造性思维能力和创新意识。

    Divergence ideology cultivation is beneficial to improve innovative thinking competency and renovation consciousness .

  28. 要注意培养学生的创造性思维能力,鼓励创造性鉴赏。③其他症状的改善情况。

    Improving the students ? and other symptoms .

  29. 第二部分,作业系统在创造性思维能力训练中的价值与设计;

    Second part , work system in creative thought training aspect value and arrangement .

  30. 以提高博士生创新能力为宗旨的机制建设②要注意培养学生的创造性思维能力,鼓励创造性鉴赏。

    Mechanism Construction of Promoting the Innovative Ability of Doctorate Students Improving the students ?