
chū shēnɡ shēnɡ zhǎnɡ
  • primary growth
  1. 幼嫩植物的所有器官都是初生生长的结果。

    All the tissues lf the young plant are the result of primary growth .

  2. 在初生生长过程中,部分髓射线薄壁细胞转变为异常形成层束,异常形成层束再分化产生新的维管束。

    In the course of primary growth and secondary growth , a few cells of pith ray turn into anomaleus cambium bundles , the anomaleus cambium bundles form new vascular bundles .

  3. 在牛膝根、茎的发育过程中,其初生生长和早期的次生生长都类似于一般双子叶草本植物。

    The primary and initial secondary growth of the root and stem was similar to those of ordinary dicotyledonous plants .

  4. 其根为二原型,发育过程可分为初生生长和次生生长,成熟根的结构以次生结构为主,次生生长主要依靠维管形成层和木栓形成层的活动来完成。

    The primary xylem of root is diarch , of which developmental process contains primary growth and secondary growth . Secondary growth mainly depends on the activity of the vascular cambium and cork cambium .

  5. 激光熔覆TiC/FeAl复合材料涂层显微组织及初生TiC生长机制研究

    Microstructure of Laser Clad TiC / FeAl Composite Coating and Growth Mechanism of Primary TiC Carbide

  6. 轻剪疏删对生长旺的梨初生树生长结果的影响

    The influence of light thinning pruning on the growth and Fruiting of the vigorous young pear trees

  7. 具体表现为孕育能力的下降、胚胎及初生小鼠生长发育迟缓、部分行为发育迟缓、免疫力低下,甚至对子代大脑的正常发育有影响。

    Ability of specific performance marks the decline in primary mouse embryo and growth retardation , some behavioral retardation , low immunity , even for the normal development of the brain affected offspring .

  8. 结果表明:重熔过程中熔体中未溶解的硅相粒子,在凝固过程中可成为初生硅生长核心,并且未熔颗粒与初生硅形状之间存在明显对应关系;

    The results show that the undissolved silicon particles in the melt become the cores of primary silicon precipitated in solidification and there is a close relationship between the shape of primary silicon and undissolved silicon particles .

  9. SAM处理对小麦初生根的生长具有抑制作用,而且这种作用存在一定的剂量和时间依赖性,即随着SAM浓度的增大和处理时间的延长,抑制作用呈现加强的趋势。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The growth of wheat primary root was inhibited by the treatment of SAM , and the inhibition was dependent on the dose of SAM as well as the treated time .

  10. 初生硅的生长机制不是惟一的,既可以以孪晶凹角(TPRE)机制生长,还可以以层状机制生长,初生硅最终形状还要取决于溶质传输等动力学环境;

    The growth of silicon follows not only the twin plane re-entrant edge ( TPRE ) mechanism , but also layer mechanism as well . Meanwhile , the shape of primary silicon also relies on kinetic surroundings , such as the transmitting of solute .

  11. 2笋芽的初生增粗生长是一个连续的过程。

    The primary thickening growth of Phyllostachys edulis shoot bud was a successive course .

  12. 胰岛素和酶解配方奶粉对初生仔猪小肠生长发育的影响

    Effects of oral insulin and trypsinized formula milk on small intestinal growth and development in newborn pigs

  13. 春小麦初生根系与生长发育关系的研究

    A Study on the Relationship between the Primary Root System and the Growth and the Development of Spring Wheat

  14. 利用等温液淬的方法,研究了Al18%Si过共晶合金熔体中初生硅的生长行为及机制。

    The process and mechanism of primary silicon growth in the Al-Si hypereutectic melt were studied by quench interrupting .

  15. 应用植物解剖学及数量统计学方法研究了毛竹笋芽的初生增粗生长发育过程。

    The plant anatomical and statistical methods were applied to investigate the primary thickening development of Phyllostachys edulis shoot buds .

  16. 适度水分亏缺促进了小麦等作物初生根的生长发育,增加深层土壤中的根系与根系活性,防止后期根系早衰。

    Moderate water deficient enhanced growing and developing of primary root , increased roots and its activity of deep soil in wheat etc , and prevent root premature decay in late stage .

  17. 在笋芽的初生增粗生长过程中,各组织的贡献率自大到小为:髓分生组织维管组织基本组织皮层+表皮,髓分生组织细胞的增殖与增大是竹笋进行初生增粗生长的主要因素。

    In the primary thickening process of the Phyllostachys edulis shoot bud , the contributions of different tissues were arranged as follows : pith meristem vascular tissue ground tissue cortex + epidermis . The main factor of the primary thickening process is the proliferation and the increase of pith cells .

  18. 地黄根的初生构造与次生生长的发生类似一般双子叶植物。

    The primary structure and secondary growth of the root of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch are similar to those of the normal dicotyledons .

  19. 牛膝根及茎的发育均包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生生长、次生生长和三生生长5个发育阶段。

    The development of A. bidentata root and stem was divided into five developmental stages , which were promeristem , primary meristem , primary structure , secondary structure and tertiary growth .

  20. 结晶器内的钢液的流动状态与自由液面波动直接影响初生坯壳的生长,进而对生产顺行和铸坯质量有重要影响。

    The fluid flow and free surface fluctuation of the liquid steel in the mould have a direct effect on the initial solidification progress , which will influence the sequence of casting and quality of producting accordingly .

  21. 在液淬快冷的条件下,液相先析出α相,部分依附于初生固相晶粒结晶生长,部分在液相中独立形核生长。

    Under conditions of liquid quenching , liquid phase precipitated α - phase firstly . Some α - phase clung to primary solid grains and grew up , others nucleated independently and grew up in the liquid phase .

  22. 结果表明,北柴胡根的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生结构和次生生长4个发育阶段。

    The results showed that the development of Bupleurum chinense DC . roots could be divided into four stages , promeristem , primary meristem , primary structure and secondary stages of growth .

  23. 6通过对初生β相(Cr)相析出机制的初步分析和探讨,认为由于熔体局部的溶质和热流波动,初生β相的生长形态有花瓣状或三棱形。

    Through analysis and discuss of the precipitation mechanism of Cr phase , it can be deduced that primary β( Cr ) phase exhibits petal shape or triangular due to solute and heat flow in local fluid .