
chū gǎo
  • first draft;the preliminary draft;abbazzo
初稿 [chū gǎo]
  • [first draft;the preliminary draft] 最初的草稿;也泛指尚未最后确定的稿件

初稿[chū gǎo]
  1. 这只是我演讲的初稿。

    This is only the first draft of my speech .

  2. 我将这篇文章的初稿传真给他了。

    I faxed a first draft of this article to him .

  3. 我本该把论文的初稿交上去了。

    I 'm supposed to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation

  4. 他目前正在修改他的文章初稿。

    He 's now revising the first draft of his essay .

  5. 请对这个文件的初稿提出修改和补充意见。

    Please propose amendments and addenda to the first draft of the document .

  6. 这不过是个初稿。

    This is only a first draft .

  7. 封面上有“初稿”字样。

    On the cover are the words " first draft ".

  8. 提交你的论文初稿,表演剧本,或文件摘要。

    Submit a first draft of your essay , performance script , or documentary highlights .

  9. IBM刚刚发布了一本红皮书初稿,标题是“SOA支持的业务流程管理”。

    IBM just published the draft of a RedBook titled " Business Process Management enabled by SOA " .

  10. 他的第一部小说《太阳照常升起》(TheSunAlsoRises)是1925年夏天花九个星期写完的,初稿写在活页纸上,后来又在笔记本上写。

    He began the original draft of his first novel , " The Sun Also Rises , " which he finished in just nine weeks during the summer of 1925 , on loose sheets and then switched over to notebooks .

  11. 根据专业声誉及研究方向,选取相关领域18名专家,采用Delphi法对备选条目池进行2轮初筛,形成适合内科护士应用的身体评估框架初稿。

    Totally 18 experts based on their professional reputation and research domain were selected to form a panel and 2 round Delphi method was adopted to form the first draft of physical assessment framework . 5 .

  12. 2014年,欧盟竞争事务专员玛格丽特•维斯特格(MargretheVestager)发布针对DAF卡车、戴姆勒(Daimler)、依维柯(Iveco)、斯堪尼亚(Scania)、曼卡车(MAN)以及沃尔沃/雷诺(Volvo/Renault)的指控单初稿。

    Margrethe Vestager , EU competition commissioner , issued the original charge sheet against DAF , Daimler , Iveco , Scania , MAN and Volvo / Renault in 2014 .

  13. 卡神在“与ConanO'Brien的今夜秀(2009)”节目中透露他最早于1995年就开始了影片剧本初稿的写作。

    James Cameron disclosed on " The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien "( 2009 ) that he began working on preliminary drafts of his movie as early as1995 .

  14. 但在RAMP面前,我们在24小时内已经有了数据而且在三天内我们就有了调查报告初稿。”

    But in all the RAMPS we 've done to date , we 've had a data bulletin out in 24 hours and we 've had the first draft of the survey report out in three days . "

  15. 教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)即将发表的一则关于环境的通谕初稿显示,他将呼吁大幅减少碳排放,并抨击那些抵制抗击气候变化努力的经济大国。

    Pope Francis will call for a drastic reduction in carbon emissions and lash out against economic powers that are opposing efforts to combat climate change , according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment .

  16. 教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)即将发表的一则关于环境的通谕初稿显示,他将呼吁“大幅减少”碳排放,并抨击那些抵制抗击气候变化努力的“经济大国”。

    Pope Francis will call for a " drastic reduction " in carbon emissions and lash out against " economic powers " that are opposing efforts to combat climate change , according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment .

  17. 来自俄勒冈州的民主党众议员彼得·德法兹奥(PeterDeFazio)手里举着财政部长保尔森交给国会的只有三页纸的救援计划初稿,他说,这个计划把美国纳税人放在了一个不堪一击的位置:他说:

    Holding a copy of the three page proposal originally given to Congress by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson , Oregon Democrat Peter DeFazio said it would have placed American taxpayers in a vulnerable position :

  18. 梵蒂冈计划于周四发布这则通谕,但意大利杂志L’Espresso周一发布了一份192页的初稿文本。通谕是天主教会最高形式的教廷文书。

    The Vatican was due to publish the document - which counts as the highest form of papal teaching in the Catholic Church - on Thursday , but Italian magazine L'Espresso released a 192-page version on Monday .

  19. 夫妇俩的朋友、金融高管麦勒迪·霍布森(MellodyHobson)一次为《向前一步》的大学生版撰写了一个关于有色人种女性的章节。古德伯格对初稿给予了反馈,体现出他对这本书的积极参与。

    When Mellody Hobson , a friend and finance executive , wrote a chapter of " Lean In " about women of color for the college edition of the book , Mr. Goldberg gave her feedback on the draft , a clue to his deep involvement .

  20. 第一步,我先建立一张水泡的初稿。

    My first step was the creation of the bubble graphic .

  21. 经调查分析后形成调查问卷初稿。

    The first draft questionnaire was formed after investigation statistical analysis .

  22. 因此,他在哥本哈根完成了初稿。

    And so , he finished the manuscript back in Copenhagen .

  23. 他刚写完新剧本的初稿。

    He just finished the first draft of his new play .

  24. 他们不知道这只是初稿吗

    Don 't they realize that this is a first draft ?

  25. 作业三:期末报告的完整版初稿。

    Third assignment due : First full draft of the term paper .

  26. 阅读你的初稿,大声朗读次,再默读一次。

    Read your first draft once aloud and once silently .

  27. 我开始写文章初稿。

    I write a first rough draft for my article .

  28. 参与定案评审会和模图初稿评审会;

    Attend final decision making meeting and mould first draft review meeting .

  29. 他拼命地在一个月里写出了初稿。

    She wrote the first draft in one hell for leather month .

  30. 贝迩成果汇编初稿完成。

    The first draft of bell pilot course collection has been finished .