
  • 网络LIBYAN;libyan desert;Libya Desert
  1. 如果你还想在世界上寻找什么,那么最后一个地方一定是利比亚沙漠。

    The last place on Earth you 'd expect to find anything is the Libyan desert .

  2. 而这一爆炸产生大量的热能,从而导致我们在利比亚沙漠地区发现的玻璃状碎片。”

    And this explosion produces an incredible amount of heat , which can account for the Libyan desert glass which we found in that region . "

  3. 过了边界就到达利比亚沙漠。

    And cross the border into the sands of iibya .

  4. 向西,你可以看到利比亚沙漠,向东,可以看到绿色的尼罗河流域和开罗这座现代化城市。

    To the west you can see the Libyan Desert , and to the east you can see the green Nile Valley and the modern city of Cairo .

  5. 亲卡扎菲人员仍守卫着第三个据点塞卜哈。塞卜哈在通往利比亚南部的沙漠道路上。

    Gadhafi loyalists also continue to defend a third stronghold at Sabha , along the desert road leading to southern Libya .