
  1. 美联储(Fed)11月份会议纪要显示,该央行曾在10月中旬的一次特别电视会议上考虑是否应该确立某个长期利率目标。若那样做,其货币政策将彻底改变。

    The US Federal Reserve considered whether it should target a long-term interest rate at a special video conference meeting in mid-October in what would have been a radical change to its monetary policy , according to the minutes of its November meeting , writes Robin Harding .

  2. 负责达到每个展的毛利率目标。

    To be responsible for the overall gross operating profit for each show .

  3. 六个月前,准备金余额为80亿美元,位于适合当时利率目标的区间内。

    Six months ago reserves were $ 8bn , in a range appropriate for its interest rate target at the time .

  4. 人们很容易忘记,直至1994年1月,联邦公开市场委员会甚至还没有宣布其利率目标。

    It is easy to forget that as recently as January 1994 , the FOMC did not even announce its interest rate target .

  5. 与市场减息的预期相悖,美联储在周二(9月16日)继续保持其短期利率目标2%不变。

    DEFYING market expectations for a cut , America 's Federal Reserve kept its short-term interest rate target steady at2 % on Tuesday September16th .

  6. 而就在上世纪90年代中期,美联储甚至都不向公众公布其决定或利率目标。

    Yet , as recently as the middle of the nineteen nineties , the Fed did not even release its decisions or its interest rate targets to the public .

  7. 央行可能会提高4.5%的隔夜现金利率目标后,明天最积极一轮不变克制零售销售和削减了四分之一按揭贷款。

    RBA will probably leave the overnight cash rate target at4.5 % tomorrow unchanged after the most aggressive round of increases restrained retail sales and slashed mortgage lending by a quarter .

  8. 虽然他们的已经把利率目标降到了1%,但是银行家和投资人缺乏资本,怀疑客户的信用能力,这两个因素消解了降息所带来的好处。

    Though its interest-rate target has dropped to1 % , the benefits have been blunted by bankers ' and investors ' lack of capital and by their suspicion of customers ' creditworthiness .

  9. 当被问到美联储现在最有效的手段是什么的时候,超过四分之一的经济学家表示,央行应该通过买入美国国债等手段确定长期利率目标。

    When asked what the Fed 's most useful remaining tool is , more than one in four economists said the central bank should target long-term interest rates , by actions such as buying Treasurys .

  10. 我们认为,在相对温和的通货膨胀率背景下,今年年末欧元区利率目标位仍是4.25%,但是如果经济一直加速增长,实际上升息的风险也会因此加大。

    Given the relatively benign inflation picture , we keep our year-end target for Euro-zone rates at4.25 % , but acknowledge that the risks are on the upside if growth continues to pick up momentum .

  11. 凯恩斯学派主要倡导利率中介目标,而货币学派主张以货币供应量为中介目标。

    The Keynesians advocate interest rate target while the monetarists support money supply target to be the intermediate target .

  12. 其他人则表示,只有一步购买到位,才能影响市场、达到美联储想要的较低长期利率的目标。

    Others say only a large amount will move markets and so achieve the lower long-term interest rates the Fed wants .

  13. 这种银行不会在7年内收回房子也不会花费纳税人一分钱,但是漂浮式付款和高利率的目标在于多德-弗兰克法案,这使得监管机构授予广泛的权力来决定什么是“滥用”。

    The bank has not repossessed a home in seven years , or cost taxpayers a penny , but balloon payments and high rates are targeted under Dodd-Frank , which grants regulators wide discretion to decide what is " abusive " .

  14. 在利率中介目标对股指的影响问题研究中,本文引入了周期概念,对利率变动按时间划分为加息周期与降息周期,在对应的周期内观测股指的变动情况。

    On the subject about the interest impact on stock market , cycle concept is introduced , which divides the interest changes into Rate hike cycles and Rate cut cycles in accordance with the time and observes index changes in the corresponding cycle .

  15. 首先选取SHIBOR市场中交易量占绝大多数的隔夜和七天利率作为度量目标存在尖峰厚尾现象,并存在条件异方差,均满足GARCH过程。

    First select SHIBOR market transactions account for the vast majority of the overnight interest rate as a measure goals and seven fat tail phenomenon exists , and there is conditional heteroscedasticity , GARCH process are met .

  16. 美联储数据表明,大多数的FOMC委员预计联邦基金利率的长期目标在4%左右的水平,按照上述政策,这意味着美联储将支付2%的准备金利率。

    Data from the Fed show that most FOMC members expect the long-run Fed Funds target to be about 4 per cent , which would imply that the Fed would pay a 2 per cent rate on reserves under this policy .

  17. 这里说的工具就是短期利率,而目标则是价格稳定。

    The tool was the short-term interest rate , the target was price stability .

  18. 利率充当中介目标的典型是美国。在美国,货币主义实验的失败使货币内生的观点得到复活。

    So , the currency in circulation served as intermediate target of monetary policy .

  19. 应尝试新的以利率为中间目标的货币政策。

    We should try a new monetary policy with the interest as the mid-target .

  20. 我们已经知道,利率和通胀目标不足以确保稳定。

    We have learnt that interest rates and inflation targets are not enough to secure stability .

  21. 以利率为中介目标则滞后时间较长但影响力持续时间也较长;

    If we choose interest rate as the monetary indicator , we will have long term influence but long lag time as well ;

  22. 根据一年前推出的改革,57家银行现在可以无限额地从央行贷款,只是利率较央行目标利率高100个基点。

    Under reforms introduced a year ago , 57 banks can borrow limitless cash but at a price 100 basis points above the target bank rate .

  23. 第三,新一轮农村银行利率定价改革目标,即实现正规金融市场对非正规金融市场的挤出效应不确定。

    The goal of the new rural bank interest rate reform and the supplant effect that the regular financial market has on the irregular financial market are indeterminate .

  24. 鉴于实际联邦基金利率一向低于目标利率,未来几个月内实际联邦基金利率很可能接近于零。

    With the actual federal funds rate consistently trading below the target rate , the actual fed funds is likely to be near zero in the months ahead .

  25. 由于货币政策出现利率和汇率目标的政策冲突,宏观经济调控顾此失彼,陷入政策困境。

    The interest aim and foreign exchange rate aim of monetary policy are conflicting . So macroeconomy controlling attends to one thing and loses another or plunging into policy plight .

  26. 如果欧洲央行确立明确的欧元区利率息差目标,那么只要有任何德国反对的风声,就可能令人对该机构的承诺产生疑虑,招致投机性的市场攻击。

    If the ECB set explicit targets for eurozone interest rate spreads , any whiff of internal German opposition could cast doubt on its commitment and encourage speculative market attacks .

  27. 我国应在以货币供应量为中心建立配套辅助目标体系的基础上,确定一个合理的通胀目标区,适时把利率作为中介目标。

    The Central Bank in China should locate a reasonable inflation target regime which is based on money supply together with an assistant target system , then turn to real interest rate target at right time .

  28. 美联储放弃货币供应量转而以与物价和经济增长保持长期稳定相关关系的实际利率作为中间目标,其它一些国家以通胀指标体系作为中间目标。

    Having abandoned monetary supply as intermediate target , FRB turns to use real interest rate which can keep a long term stable between price and economy growth while some other countries prefer the inflation target regime .

  29. 瑞士央行还降息25个基点,将其3个月期伦敦同行拆借利率(libor)目标区间缩减至0-0.75%。

    The SNB also cut its interest rates by 25 basis points , taking its three-month LIBOR target range down to 0-0.75 per cent .

  30. 我国利率体制改革的目标是实现利率市场化。

    The target of the reform of interest rate system is marketization .