
  1. 咱们干的事可别告诉她。

    Don 't let 's tell her what we did .

  2. 咱们干的事可别告诉她。

    Let 's not tell her what we did .

  3. 没确定之前别告诉她工作的事——我们不想让她期望过高。

    Don 't tell her about the job until you know for sure ─ we don 't want to raise her hopes .

  4. 影片《别告诉她》(TheFarewell)一开始,主角们就在撒谎,谎言从他们口中流畅而有意地涌出,就好像他们在用暗号说话。

    From the moment " The Farewell " opens , its main characters tell lies that flow from their mouths smoothly and deliberately , as if they are speaking in code .

  5. 别告诉她我和其他女孩子约会。

    Don 't tell her about me meeting those other girls .

  6. 艾米莉答应之前别告诉她

    She doesn 't need to know until Emily says yes .

  7. 别告诉她,她会撕开你的心。

    Don 't tell her , she 'll rip your heart .

  8. 太好了。千万别告诉她我是个君子。

    Great . Don 't tell her I 'm nice .

  9. 什么都别告诉她,她太八卦了。

    Don 't tell her anything , she 's gossipy .

  10. 那我们还是先别告诉她

    So I take it we 're still not gonna tell her about

  11. 那么,别告诉她他们说什么。

    Then don 't tell her what they say .

  12. 那么你别告诉她怎么样?

    Then how about you don 't tell her ?

  13. 别告诉她你看到我。

    Don 't tell her you saw me .

  14. 别告诉她该怎么做。

    Don 't tell her what to do .

  15. 别告诉她

    No , don 't tell your mama .

  16. 噢,上帝,别告诉她我说的话

    Oh , my God . Don 't tell her I told you that .

  17. 千万别告诉她。

    Don 't say anything to her .

  18. 除非我们百分百确定否则还是先别告诉她

    I don 't think we should tell her until we 're 100 % sure .

  19. 其中一个使了个眼色说:“哥哥,别告诉她。”

    One of them winked and said ," Elder brother , don 't tell her . "

  20. 第一次听说《别告诉她》时候,我觉得这个情节设定很怪诞。

    When I first heard about " The Farewell , " the premise struck me as bizarre .

  21. 《别告诉她》在电影《别告诉她》的开头,美籍华裔纽约人比莉(奥卡菲娜饰演)得知她亲爱的奶奶已经是癌症晚期。

    At the start of The Farewell , Chinese-American New Yorker Billi ( Awkwafina ) learns that her beloved grandmother has terminal cancer .

  22. 像《别告诉她》这样的家庭故事在亚洲文化中并不是常态,但也并非闻所未闻。

    Family stories like that of " The Farewell " aren 't the norm in Asian cultures , but they also aren 't unheard of .

  23. 但在看过《别告诉她》之后,她想到了一种可能性,那就是母亲出于文化原因隐瞒了自己的病情,以免给家庭带来负担。

    But after viewing " The Farewell , " she considered the possibility that her mother hid her illness for cultural reasons - to avoid burdening the family .

  24. 别告诉她我这么说了,但是她总是正确的……我爱我妻子胜过这世上的任何事物。

    And don 't tell her I said this but the woman 's always right ... I love my wife more than anything in this world . And I. ..

  25. 别告诉我她又把电视机弄坏了!

    Don 't tell me she 's buggered the TV again !

  26. 我还没来得及说她的要求,经理就打断了我的话:“你别告诉我她到现在还没收到货!”

    Before I could finish repeating her request , he interrupted and said , " Don 't tell me she hasn 't received them yet ! "

  27. 别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。

    Don 't tell her that ─ you 'll only make things worse .

  28. 拜托别告诉他,她是在我的看管下离开的。

    Please don 't tell him I was in charge when she left .

  29. 哦,可别告诉我,她忘记我的生日了。

    Oh , don 't tell me , she forgot it 's my birthday .

  30. 亚当:史黛西,别告诉我你喜欢她。

    Adam : Stacy , don 't tell me you like her .