
  • 网络constituent power;pouvoir constituant;pouvoir constituent;pouvoir constituant, constituent power;exvlaiming
  1. 格鲁吉亚共和国黑海高加索地区的东南欧苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟的一个有制宪权的共和国。

    A constituent republic of southeast European U.S.S.R.in the Caucasus on the Black Sea .

  2. 挑战则表现在对制宪权前提、保证、来源和阶级性的挑战。

    The challenge then expresses at to establish the constitution power premise , assurance , source and rank challenge .

  3. 与此相适应,制宪权主体构成在体制上可分单一制和复合制两种,在具体形态上则更为复杂多样。

    Accordingly , its main body can be divided into the single and the compound and its concrete form are more complex .

  4. 之后,对美国制宪前后对健康权的态度转变、20世纪的是非之争以及21世纪健康权保护的发展进行分析。

    In addition , it deals with the attitude change towards right to health , the debate , as well as the tendency in 21 century in the United States .

  5. 在民国初年(1911年10月10日&1912年4月5日),革命派成为辛亥革命的领导力量,并掌握了制宪上的话语权,从而能够将自己的制宪思想在制度上予以实践。

    In the early years of Republic of China ( 10 Oct. 1911 ~ 5 April 1912 ), as the leading power in the " Revolution of 1911 ", with the authority position , Revolutionist Party got the chance to put its constitutional though into practice .