
  • 网络lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
  1. 前臂外侧皮神经的血供

    The blood supply of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve

  2. 前臂外侧皮神经的血供特点与皮神经营养血管皮瓣的设计

    The characteristics of blood supply of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and design of neurocutaneous island flap

  3. 在桡动脉浅、深段交界的外侧约5~6mm处,易于找到前臂外侧皮神经。

    It usually gives a branch communicating with the ramus superficialis of the radial nerve . The nervus cutaneous antebrachii lateralis can be found easily at the point just 5 ~ 6 mm lateral to the junction of the superficial and deep parts of the radial artery .

  4. 带前臂外侧皮神经营养皮瓣修复手背部软组织缺损

    Repair of dorsal soft tissue defects of hand with lateral antebrachial cutaneous neurovascular flap

  5. 头静脉动脉化前臂外侧皮神经移植的解剖学基础及应用

    Anatomic study and clinical application of forearm lateral cutaneous nerve grafting pedicled with simultaneously arterized cephalic vein

  6. 2侧桡神经浅支桡侧支被前臂外侧皮神经所替代。

    Of the 18 specimens presented aberrance , the radial branch being replaced by the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve .

  7. 结论采用带筋膜蒂的前臂外侧皮神经移植修复桡神经深支的手术方法可行,有利于桡神经深支的功能恢复。

    Conclusion It is available and valuable that repairing radial nerve deep branch by lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve with fascial pedicle .

  8. 静脉回流有三种途径,神经支配以桡神经浅支和前臂外侧皮神经为主。

    Innervation of the flap was provided chiefly by a branch of the superficial radial nerve and the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve .

  9. 结果:前臂外侧皮神经共有4支神经血管皮肤穿支,其全程由神经旁血管和主要动脉共同营养。

    The LACN got its blood supply by both paraneural vessels and long artery , and 4 neuro-vascular cutaneous perforators were found .

  10. 前臂外侧皮神经、桡神经浅支、尺神经腕背支也发支支配腕关节背侧。

    It was also innervated by forearm lateral cutaneous nerve , superficial branch of radial nerve , wrist dorsal branch of ulnar nerve .

  11. 1987年9月以来,采用头静脉蒂动脉化前臂外侧皮神经游离移植,修复腕部正中、尺神经陈旧性损伤3例,疗效较满意。

    Since 1987 , 3 cases of old median and ulnar nerve injuries at the wrist have been repaired by transplantation of the lateral cutaneous nerve graft pedicled with the simultaneously arterized cephalic vein , and satisfactory results gained .

  12. 结果:头静脉-前臂外侧皮神经下1/3段的营养血管来自:桡动脉皮支,掌浅支皮支,桡骨茎突返支皮支和桡动脉肌间隙骨皮支。

    Results : The origins of nutrient vessel of the 1 / 3 inferior segment of the cephalic vein and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve was as follows : the cutaneous branches of radial artery , cutaneous branches of superficial palmar branch , cutaneous branches of malleolus radialis recurrent branch .

  13. 方法:对12例肘部及腕部附近软组织缺损的病例,采用带前臂内、外侧皮神经营养血管蒂的岛状皮瓣顺行或逆行转移进行修复,皮瓣面积最大9cm×8cm,最小4cm×3cm。

    Methods : 12 patients with soft tissue defects around the elbow and the wrist were treated with proximally or distally based island flaps based on the lateral and medial forearm cutaneous nerves . The flaps measured 9cm × 8cm to 4cm × 3cm .

  14. 目的:为自体前臂内侧及前臂外侧皮神经移植提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide anatomic basis for autologous lateral and medial cutaneous nerve graft of the forearm .