- 名strenuous exercise

The strenuous exercise undergone could balance out the increased calories .
Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening
For the more energetic , we offer windsurfing and diving .
Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week .
The heart responds well to energetic exercise .
He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home
Anaerobic respiration occurs only in particularly active tissues such as muscles during severe exercise .
Do not undertake strenuous exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest
A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week .
During vigorous exercise , our muscles tire as they run out of fuel and build up waste products .
The weekly amount of exercise recommended by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) is 150 minutes of moderately intensive activity , or more than 75 minutes of vigorously intensive physical activity .
However , vigorous activity was defined fairly loosely , at least by the standards which would be set by most of PP 's readers .
The change of one week strenuous exercises group in 24 hours was similar with the single strenuous exercise group .
The serum PRL levels were assayed by RIA in34 young firemen before and after a strenuous exercise .
The result suggests that increased plasma catecholamine and hypertensin secretion and / or anoxic and damage of skelecton muscle and cardiac muscle would have caused enhancing ET level ;
Shri Ram School , an elite private school , canceled sports day this winter because strenuous activity was deemed unsafe in such polluted air .
Results Urine RBC , WBC , Cast and EC in the male students had significant difference before and after violent movement ( P < 0.01 ) .
In the mild motion mode , DS method is used directly ; In the drastic motion mode , a combined GA / DS searching method is adopted .
It is indicated that strenuous exercise might elevate the serum values of PRL and P , whereas can 't alter serum FSH , LH , T and E 2 significantly .
After exercise 24h , rats ' cardiac myosin and titin and their mRNA were not returned to normal levels , strenuous exercise affects these two kinds of protein for a long time .
It is necessary to take into account the effects of angle acceleration and adopt compensation approaches in developing high-precision IFOG which can be applied in extremely dynamic environment .
Similarly , according to the new review , people with certain inherited heart abnormalities , such as cardiomyopathy ( an enlarged heart ) or long QT syndrome , a disorder of the heart 's electrical activity , may exacerbate their conditions with strenuous exercise .
Studies show that strenuous exercise could induce great increase of IL-6 level in plasma , and most of these increased IL-6 come from the contracting skeletal muscle , while the exercise-induced increase of IL-6 level has something to do with the length of time and endurance of exercise .
The research suggests the intense exercise will lead to the damage of the renal tubules and the glomerulus , the increase of the LPO of the kidney tissue , the decrease of the activity of SOD , the appearance of the exercise induced albuminuria , exercise induced hematuria .
[ Couclusion ] The value of blood lactate acid reduced half than before , energy'supply abilities of the blood lactate acid dropped half after 80-minute aerobic exercise .
Results show that after the members of the control group took GDM for a month , their erythrocyte deformation capacity at rest , after 3 minutes ' intensive exercise and at the fifteenth minute of the recovery period , is more significantly improved than that before taking GDM ;
The doctor told him not to do any violent exercise .
But a sudden start to hard exercise can cause headaches .
The Effect of Strenuous Exercise On The Students ' Urine Formed Elements
Have you ever been short of breath on exertion ?