
ɡē jiē
  • cutover
  1. 待全部用户割接到Global中后,取消MPLSVPN路由方式。

    After all users are cutover to Global , cancel MPLS VPN routing .

  2. 基于A/Iu接口快速割接的网络应急容灾方案

    Method of Network Disaster Tolerance Based on A / Iu Interface Rapid Cutover

  3. 文中对UPS系统的配电方式和UPS系统割接方案的选择提出了建议。

    It also gives suggestions on UPS power distribution modes and cutting schemes .

  4. 结合一次UPS系统带业务割接典型实例,阐述了割接的条件和关键点,并给出了具体的实施步骤。

    From the practice example of UPS cutting with operation , it sets froth the conditions and key points for the cutting and shows the implementation steps .

  5. 通过对实际环境搭建、系统/数据割接、测试应用等方面论证表明采用XML标准规范的客户身份认证协议以及联邦式单点登录是适合福建电信统一认证的技术方案。

    Based on the argument of actual environment set up , system and data cut over and application testing , the XML standard Customer Identity Authenticate Protocol and federal style Single Sign On is suitable for Fujian Telecom .

  6. AXE-10交换机不阻断电源割接闸刀的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of Chopper Switch for AXE-10 Exchanger Power Uninterrupted Cut Over

  7. 众所周知,长期以来,AXE-10交换机不阻断电源割接对于电源工程人员来说,一直是一项很具有挑战性的工作。

    As we all know , AXE-10 exchanger power uninterrupted cut over is a very challengeable work all the times to power engineers .

  8. 直流不间断供电系统的割接实例分析

    Analysis on the Example of Shearing and Connecting the DC UPS

  9. 在光缆割接中如何调整高速环网的色散补偿值

    Methods for High Speed Network Dispersion Compensation Adjustment in Optical Line Cutting

  10. 一次大型直流电源系统割接

    A Large-scale DC Power Supply System Equipment Replacement

  11. 本地网中用户隶属局(所)割接方案设计及施工方法

    Designing and installing plans for LAN subscriber branch

  12. 浅谈直流电源割接方案

    The Schemes for DC Power Changeover

  13. 本文对如何安全可靠进行新旧蓄电池组的更换割接提出建议。

    This article introduces a safe and available method to cut-over the old with new one .

  14. 浅谈混合放号在交换机割接中的应用

    Mixed-number allocation used in cutover switches

  15. 本次流程再造内容将主要涉及包括故障调度管理、割接升级管理这两个网络维护工作的重要流程。

    This article cites two important processes : failure management , segmentation and upgrade management of network maintenance management system .

  16. 阐述了不中断法割接光缆的思路、操作时机以及人员安排、通信联络,并就实际运用的方法、步骤作了进一步探讨。

    The idea , operation opportunity , personnel arrangement , and communications of the uninterrupted method for splicing fiber optic cable are described .

  17. 然后试点地市放号,系统运行稳定后,逐步分地市割接老用户到系统中。

    Telephone Number and then the pilot cities , the system runs stable , and gradually cut over the old city subdivision users .

  18. 它可以帮助维护人员安全、方便、快捷地完成电源割接工作。

    In fact , it 's very effective , it can help us to finish our power cut over work safely , expediently and fast .

  19. 天源迪科计费史上具有里程碑意义的“上海电信融合计费项目”在上海成功割接上线。

    The " Shanghai Telecom convergent billing project " was successfully cutover then collected on line in Shanghai , which considered as the milestone of TYDIC billing history .

  20. 本文就实现一个用户数据转换的方案展开探讨,开发了用户割接中的用户数据、状态转换的系统,并在生产中得到充分的应用验证。

    To achieve this on a users data conversion program of exploration and development of user Changeover of user data , state conversion system , and the production of .

  21. 为了消除电源割接中存在的事故隐患,提高安全系数,降低动力操作风险,作者特地设计、制作了电源割接闸刀,并且在实际应用中取得了非常好的效果。

    In order to avoid hidden trouble in power cut over , increase safety factor and decrease power operation risk , the author designed and made a power cut over chopper switch .

  22. 为此,文中从割接方案制定原则、设备选型、施工场地布置、施工时间选择、注意事项及方案拟制作了一一阐述。

    Therefore , this paper expounds the principle of the shearing and connecting scheme , equipment mode selection , construction field disposal , construction schedule choosing , attentive proceeding and scheme draft .

  23. 而且由于是对运行中的网络上进行建设,因此本工程涉及相当多的网络割接,在本论文中将列举一个具体的割接方案来说明割接的详细操作步骤和重点注意事项。

    And because it is building on the existing network , this project involves a considerable number of network cutover , cited in this thesis , a specific cutover cutover plan to illustrate the detailed steps and key considerations .

  24. 本项目实施后,要按照指标对传输设备的光口和电口进行测试以保证设备单板及电路的良好运行状态,为以后业务的割接做好准备。

    After the implementation of the project , according to indicators of transport equipment , optical interfaces and electrical interfaces are tested to ensure good operation of the circuit board and the state , in order to prepare for future business cutover .