
  • 网络persuasive advertising
  1. 回溯到威廉•利弗(WilliamLever)——联合利华的创始人和劝说性广告的早期采用者,营销的历史就是持续不断的试验,而你我就是其中的小白鼠。

    Going back to William Lever , Unilever 's founder and early adopter of persuasive advertising , marketing has a history of constant experimentation , in which you and I are the guinea-pigs .

  2. 作为一种劝说性的语言,广告的最终目的是劝说潜在的消费者采取购买行为。

    As a kind of persuasive language , advertising has the ultimate goal of persuading the potential consumers to take purchase action .