
  1. 加工贸易的动态利益及实证研究

    Dynamic Gains of Processing Trade : An Empirical Approach

  2. 如何进一步扩大加工贸易的动态利益对于扩大我国的外贸出口,增强我国的综合国力有着重要的意义。

    So it is important and meaningful to exploit and enlarge dynamic gains of processing trade .

  3. 而强调规模经济和知识扩散的新增长理论直接证明了空间优化能够提高各地区的长期增长速度,从而带来动态利益。

    And the new growth theory which emphasizes economies of scale and knowledge diffusion directly proved that spatial optimization can promote long-term growth rate and bring about dynamic benefits .

  4. 在多元主义和集体行动理论争论的基础上,动态利益集团形成理论开始关注社会稳定对集团政治的多重影响。

    Based on the argument between pluralism and collective action theory , the dynamic theory of interest group formation points out the multiple effects of social stability on group politics .

  5. 国际贸易给我国经济带来的动态利益反映了工业化的某些内容和要求,对国际贸易利益的追求成为工业化进程的客观需要。

    The dynamic benefit from the international trade is reflected in the contents and requirements of the industrialization . The industrialization process makes the pursuit of the international trade benefit necessary .

  6. 要素禀赋状况对制造业参与分工程度和附加值的获取影响不大,但行业要素禀赋状况的改善可以为技术升级垫底物质基础,对动态利益的获取影响深远。

    Factor endowments condition have unobvious impact on the depth of division participation and added value gain , but industry factor endowments improvements can provide material base for technology upgrading and have far-reaching influence on the interests acquisition .

  7. 应用ANP的Shapley值法动态联盟利益分配策略

    Strategies of profit allocation in enterprises ' dynamic alliance value based on Shapley applying ANP

  8. 企业动态联盟利益分配问题的研究进展

    Research situation of profit distribution in enterprises ' dynamic alliance

  9. 确定药品研发动态联盟利益分配比例的方法研究

    Profits Distribution Proportion in Drug R & D Dynamic Alliance

  10. 信息服务机构动态联盟利益的实现

    Interests of Information Service Dynamical Alliance and their Realization

  11. 基于信息共享的动态联盟利益分配过程研究

    Study on the Profit Sharing Process for Dynamic Alliance Based on Information Sharing

  12. 动态联盟利益分配的谈判模型研究

    The Research for the Negotiation Model about the Benefit Allocation of the Dynamic Alliance

  13. 然后,探讨了研发型动态联盟利益分配的运行机制和有效性评价体系。

    Then explore the operating mechanism and effectiveness evaluation system of R & D-type dynamic alliance .

  14. 目的:解决药品研发动态联盟利益分配比例的问题。

    OBJECTIVE : To determine the proportion of profits distribution in drug R & D dynamic alliance .

  15. 结果表明,拓展并培育民营企业家资源可有效增进我国的静态比较利益和动态比较利益,这是增进我国比较利益的关键所在。

    It showed that the appearance and growth of private entrepreneur resources can promote the comparative benefit effectively .

  16. 一般认为,国际贸易利益由两部分构成:静态贸易利益和动态贸易利益。

    Generally speaking , the trade benefits can be divided into two parts : static benefits and dynamic benefits .

  17. 从动态比较利益理论看技术进步在国际贸易中的作用

    The effect of the technical progress on the international trade according to the dynamic theory of the comparative advantages

  18. 结果与结论:建立了确定药品研发动态联盟利益分配比例的方法。

    RESULTS CONCLUSIONS : A method determining the proportion of profits distribution in drug R D dynamic alliance has been set up .

  19. 本文以为动态比较利益理论和竞争优势理论可作为研究江苏省出口商品结构的调整和优化提供理论依据。

    There are many international trade theories , the writer considers the Theory of Dynamic Comparative Benefit as the theory foundation of export adjustment and optimization of Jiangsu province .

  20. 然而,它忽略了产业结构调整、技术进步和制度创新等动态贸易利益。

    However , it ignores the adjustment of the industrial structure , the progress of the technology , the innovation of the system and this kind of dynamic trade internets .

  21. 但是在国际贸易实践中各国基于其本国动态贸易利益、战略产业的扶持和培养、经济发展和动态经济结构以及产业竞争力方面的考虑而广泛的采用补贴政策。

    But based on its dynamic world trade interests , training and support its strategic industry , economic development and dynamic structure and industry competitiveness , more and more countries widespread adoption of subsidies .

  22. 对于像我国这样希望改变本国国际分工地位的发展中国家而言,通过技术进步寻求长期的动态比较利益具有重要意义。

    For a developing country like China , which has been trying to improve its position of international division of labor , it is of great importance to seek long-term dynamic comparative benefits through technological advance .

  23. 发展中国家按初始比较优势进行分工和贸易不一定能使贸易利益增加,而按潜在比较优势专业化生产学习效应强的产品则能得到动态贸易利益。

    According to the former , developing countries are not bound to obtain trade gains , and according to the latter , those products possessing strong learning effectiveness in the specialized production can gain dynamic trade benefits .

  24. 但考虑到动态联盟利益分配过程也是一个群决策的过程,是一个使合作伙伴的满意达到最优的过程。

    The paper think that the benefit allocation of Dynamic Alliance is a process of Group Decision Making ( GDM ), so this paper put forward the Nash Negotiation Model to allocate the Benefit of the Dynamic Alliance .

  25. 本文的研究更加有针对性,设计的利益分配方法更具有合理性和可行性,对高新技术企业动态联盟利益分配方法和策略的制定具有一定的指导意义。

    The research of this paper is more pertinent and the interest distribution method formulated is more rational and practical , it has guiding significance for the design of interest distribution method and strategies of high-tech enterprise dynamic alliance .

  26. 最后探讨了以现代控制理论和现代管理分析手段结合的方式,对基于Shapley值法和同时考虑风险的企业动态联盟的利益分配问题的研究,提供了一些分析思路。

    Lastly it provided some new thoughts to the problem by combining modern controlling theory and modern management analysis , based on Shapley 's method and consideration for risk-taking .

  27. 工程项目动态联盟的利益分配研究

    Study on the Distribution of Behalf in Dynamic Alliance of Engineering Projects

  28. 公路施工企业动态联盟体利益分配模型探讨

    The discussion of profit distribution model in Dynamic Collaboration in highway construction enterprises

  29. 动态联盟的利益分配问题研究

    Of Benefit Distribution in Dynamic Alliance

  30. 最后对动态联盟的利益分配问题进行分析,给出了利益分配的原则、要素以及联盟利益分配比例的确定方法。

    Finally , this text analyzes the profit allocation problem , and puts forward commonly principles and factors and methods .