
  • 网络Dynamic Salary
  1. 我国企业动态薪酬体系设计与应用研究

    A Research on Dynamic Salary System Designing and Its Application in Chinese Enterprises

  2. 动态薪酬体系是在战略管理和人本管理思想的指导下建立的,使动态薪酬体系既适应企业的战略需要,又能满足员工需求不断变化的需要,实现员工与企业的双赢。

    Thus dynamic salary system just comes in time to meet the strategic needs of enterprises and the constantly changing needs of staff , therefore , to achieve the win-win goal .

  3. 最后通过案例对动态薪酬进行了验证,并提出了研究的不足和对未来的展望。

    At last , the design of the dynamic compensation system is validated by a case , and made a concise summary of this article , and pointed out the weak point of the article , prospect the studies in the future .

  4. 他们将实行动态的浮动薪酬激励制度,以鼓励管理者做出自信而有勇气的抉择。

    They will implement dynamic variable-pay incentives that motivate managers to make confident , yet , courageous choices .