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  1. 通备劈挂拳的拳理特点及劲道

    Theory Characteristics and Physical Strength Principle of Tong Bei Pi Gua Quan

  2. 短刀正中房门,深深地插进橡木板,随着残余的劲道晃动不止。

    It struck the door and buried itself deep in the oak , quivering .

  3. 哦,难怪你你的馒头如此柔软,却又劲道十足。

    Oh , that 's how you got it so tender , but also so firm .

  4. 味道温和但是其中顺滑,富有劲道的丹宁口感可以给您纯正澳洲美酒的享受。

    The taste is gentle yet shows power and finesse with smooth tannins that coat the mouth and give a full appreciation of a truly fine Australian wine .

  5. 为了成为被送往魁北克的一分子,他在四个月内学会了法语学习语言的劲道似乎能和他捣弄数字时的劲道相提并论。

    Determined to be among those sent to Quebec , he learnt French in four months as much at home studying the language , it seemed , as he was crunching numbers .

  6. 说着,他去把刨子找来了:他用他那条旧绸帕子掸掉凳上的灰尘后,就劲道十足地开始给我刨床了,同时,象只猴子似的咧开大嘴笑着。

    So saying he procured the plane ; and with his old silk handkerchief first dusting the bench , vigorously set to planing away at my bed , the while grinning like an ape .