
  • 网络Labor Cost;labour cost
  1. 对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。

    Next to the expense of cashiers , pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers .

  2. 位于北京的美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerce)说,美国企业认为,他们在中国遇到的商业方面最大的挑战是劳动力成本上升和经济增速放缓。

    American companies cite rising labor costs and the slowing economy as their top business challenges in China , according to the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing .

  3. 结果表明,与其他传统的劳动力成本,市场规模等因素相比,环境管制对FDI的影响时很小的。

    The results showed that the effect of environmental is smaller to the other traditional factors .

  4. 反倾销是被WTO认可的一种有效限制贸易的措施,它使中国的低劳动力成本优势成为劣势。

    Anti-dumping is an effective trade restriction authorized by WTO . And it makes China 's advantage of low labor cost become disadvantageous .

  5. FDI对中国制造业劳动力成本优势的影响研究&基于劳动生产率视角的分析

    The impact of FDI on cost advantage of labor force in Chinese manufacturing industry & analysis based on labor productivity

  6. 对于一家英特尔(intel)旗下的典型工厂来说,不论其在中国还是在美国,劳动力成本都仅占总成本的十分之一。

    At a typical Intel plant , whether in China or America , labour costs amount to just a tenth of total overheads .

  7. 法国的失业率高达10%,竞争力不断下滑,劳动力成本“跻身”于经合组织(oecd)中最高的几个国家之列。

    In France , 10 per cent are unemployed , competitiveness is sliding and labour costs are among the highest in the OECD .

  8. 但上世纪80年初,希腊的劳动力成本和外债规模开始大幅上升&1979年至1985年,希腊总债务相对国内生产总值(GDP)的比率从8%升至42%。

    But in the early 1980s labour costs and foreign indebtedness started to rise sharply – between 1979-85 , total indebtedness rose from 8 to 42 per cent of gross national product .

  9. 采用制造业部门单位劳动力成本指数(UnitLaborCost,ULC)测算的一国实际有效汇率(REER-ULC)经常被用来衡量该国的国际竞争力状况。

    Unit-Labor-Cost-Based REER is often used to evaluate a country 's International Competitiveness .

  10. 结合劳动生产率总的系数和三个中介变量FDI、相对劳动力成本、实际汇率的系数考察劳动生产率如何对贸易收支的传导。

    Then it examines the transmission mechanism of labor productivity to trade balance , combining with the coefficient of labor productivity and the mediating variables FDI , and the coefficients of relative labor costs and real exchange rate .

  11. 但随着劳动力成本上涨和竞争加剧,印度的外包企业日益寻求与大型全球性IT咨询机构同行展开直接竞争,如IBM和埃森哲(Accenture)。

    But with labour costs and competition rising , India 's outsourcing companies are increasingly seeking to compete directly with their peers at the large global IT consultancies , such as IBM or Accenture .

  12. 美国配饰品牌Coach在积极扩大在华销售的同时,正计划将多达一半的制造活动转移出中国,以规避不断上升的劳动力成本。

    Coach , the US accessories brand , is planning to shift up to half of its manufacturing out of China to escape rising labour costs at the same time as it moves aggressively to expand its sales in the country .

  13. 虚拟化能够降低与传统服务器管理相关的劳动力成本,减少使用中的有形硬件资产的数量,以及减少包括CPU、I/O、网络、服务器存储和数据库资源在内的资源的逻辑大小。

    It decreases the labor costs associated with managing traditional servers and reduces the number of tangible hardware assets in use and the logical size of resources including CPU , I / O , network , server storage , and database resources .

  14. 惠誉(Fitch)表示,由于棉价走高,中国的劳动力成本不断上涨,美国零售商今年将被迫提高服装价格,最高将比去年高出15%。

    Higher cotton prices and rising labour costs in China will force US retailers to lift the price of clothes this year by up to 15 per cent compared with 2010 , according to Fitch .

  15. 世界银行采用购买力平价法来矫正劳动力成本偏差。AlbertKeidel表示,根据购买力平价法中国的国内生产总值约为美国的一半左右。

    Based on the purchasing power parity ( PPP ) measure used by the World Bank to correct low labor-cost distortions , Albert Keidel said China 's GDP is roughly half of that of the United States .

  16. 德意志银行(deutschebank)的一项研究显示,劳动力成本正迅速攀升,未来3年工资的平均涨幅可能达到17%。

    Labour costs are rising quickly , with wages likely to climb by an average of 17 per cent annually over the next three years , according to a deutschebank study .

  17. 他们有太多的优点,包括低劳动力成本。

    They had too many advantages , including lower labor costs .

  18. 意大利和中国的劳动力成本不同。

    The cost of workers is different in Italy and China .

  19. 区位优势主要体现在劳动力成本等方面;

    Locational advantages lie on several factors , such as labor cost .

  20. 这一标准使得原先中国出口企业的劳动力成本优势受到挑战。

    This standard challenges labor cost advantage of China 's export enterprises .

  21. 这项担保包括备用零件和劳动力成本吗?

    Does the guarantee include the cost of spare parts and labour ?

  22. 保持劳动力成本在一个可接受的水平也是很重要的。

    It 's essential to keep labor costs at an acceptable level .

  23. 劳动力成本上升之后物价会上涨。

    Prices increase as a bidding war ensues for labor .

  24. 析中国劳动力成本低廉背后的问题

    On Problems behind the Low Labor Force Cost in China

  25. 削减劳动力成本到丰田北美的水平。

    Getting chrysler 's labor costs to match toyota 's in North america .

  26. 这又回到了单位劳动力成本。

    That brings us back to unit labor costs .

  27. 凡客诚品表示,此举的主要原因在于海外劳动力成本较低。

    VANCL said the main incentive for the move was cheaper labour costs .

  28. 换句话说,单位劳动力成本下降了。

    In other words , unit labour costs fell .

  29. 二是提高生产力,降低劳动力成本。

    The other is a combination of productivity gains and labor cost reductions .

  30. 本地企业也在向劳动力成本更低的地区迁移。

    Local companies are also heading to cheaper locations .