
  • 网络labor education;labour education;Work Education
  1. 大学生劳动教育课实践与探讨

    Practice and Exploration of College Students ' Labour Education Class

  2. 关于劳动教育的认识和建议

    The Recognition of and Suggestions on Labour Education

  3. 《意见》强调,通过劳动教育,学生应具备满足生存发展需要的基本劳动能力,形成良好劳动习惯。

    Students should acquire basic working capability1 for livelihood2 and individual development , and form good working habits through such education , said the guideline .

  4. 为此对罪犯进行劳动教育十分重要。

    Therefore as criminal works to educate , is very important .

  5. 其他网友说,劳动教育可以当作锻炼身体。

    Others said the labor program could be viewed favorably as exercise .

  6. 劳动教育在当代高校德育中的重要地位

    Education about Labor Is Significant for Moral Education in Chinese Higher Education

  7. 劳动教育在学生全面发展教育中的作用

    The Functions of Labor Education in the Students ' All-round Development Education

  8. 人的教育:劳动教育与闲暇教育相结合

    Education for human being : to combine labor education with leisure education

  9. 加强大学生劳动教育构建文明修身实践途径

    Strengthening labor education and constructing practical approaches for morality cultivation

  10. 高校劳动教育与学生素质的全面发展

    Education of physical labor in universities and entire development of students ' quality

  11. 遵义师范学院大学生劳动教育实践与探索

    The Practice and Exploration of College Students ' Labor Education in Zunyi Normal College

  12. 劳动教育周的德育功能

    The Moral Educational Function of the Laboring Week

  13. 劳动教育是全面发展教育中的重要一环。

    Labor education is an important part of the students ' all round development education .

  14. 因此,加强家庭劳动教育研究对于我们责无旁贷。

    Therefore , we are duty-bound to strengthen the research on home education through labor .

  15. 试论新时期大学生劳动教育的意义、内容及实施途径

    On the Significance , Contents and Practicable Ways of Labor Education of Undergraduates in the New Period

  16. 本文重点探讨了新中国劳动教育思想的时代转换问题。

    This paper focuses on discussing the issue of changing the labor educational thought in new China .

  17. 任何问题的产生都有其深刻的发生背景和缘由,家庭劳动教育问题的存在亦是如此。

    There are underlying reasons behind any problems . The problem of home education through labor is no exception .

  18. 教育内容主要包括:六艺之学、体育教育、劳动教育和实用技术教育。

    Educational content includes : " Six Classics " study 、 physical education 、 practice technical education and labour education .

  19. 农业院校应通过对学生的劳动教育,培养学生热爱农业、热爱农民、热爱和尊重劳动的优良作风。

    Especially in agricultural colleges , students must be taught to love agriculture , love peasants and to love labour .

  20. 许多批评者也怀疑学校只是试图将被一些人视为是剥削劳动力的行为美其名曰为劳动教育。

    Many critics also suspect the school is merely trying to put a positive face on what some see as labor exploitation .

  21. 劳动教育改造工作如果停滞不前,预示着给监狱、社会都留有重大的安全隐患。

    If labour educational transform working stagnation is not former , indicate to prison and society reserve have significant safe hidden trouble .

  22. 劳动教育是德育、智育、体育、美育的基础。

    He thought labor education is the basis of moral education and the education of the intellectual instruction , sports , the esthetic education .

  23. 一些网友——他们中的许多人都自称升达毕业生或在读学生——指责那些对劳动教育表达不满的学生“太爱抱怨”。

    Some users , many claiming to be graduates or current students of Shengda , have accused complaining students of being " whiny . "

  24. 要切实把劳动教育列入教学计划,强化实施过程管理,做到组织严密,内容充实,措施得当,考核详实。

    Labour eduction ought to be arranged in teaching plan and carried out with compact organization , substantial contents , appropriate measures and accurate evaluation .

  25. 本文分析了劳动教育周的德育功能及实现这一功能应抓好的五个环节。

    This passage analyses the moral educational fuction of the laboring week and the five links that should be stressed in order to realize this function .

  26. 再次,黑格尔所论述的教育内容包括理性教育,劳动教育,伦理教育等完整的精神教育内容。

    Again , Hegel discussed the content of education , including the full spirit of rational education , labor education , ethics education , educational content .

  27. 四是自我教育方面:通过劳动教育、体育锻炼、各种活动载体和舆论宣传锤炼未成年人的自我教育能力。

    The forth one is self education aspects : through the labor education , physical exercise , all kinds of activities carrier and publicity ofminors ' self education ability .

  28. 作为素质教育理念支撑下的全面发展教育的重要组成部分一劳动教育,特别是家庭劳动教育对孩子的健康成长和发展至关重要,对孩子整个人生起着不可估量甚至是决定性的作用。

    Education through labor , as an importance element of the all-around development education , plays an important , even a decisive role in the life of a child .

  29. 学校中的劳动教育并非是指以创造物质财富为目的的生产活动,而是作为学校教育的一种形式,泛指学生参与的、以生产实践为主的社会实践活动。

    Working education , as a form of school education , refers not to the productive activity aimed at making money , but to students ' participation of social practices .

  30. 然而,当前家庭劳动教育愈来愈处于被忽略地位,各种问题日益彰显,教育现状不容乐观。

    However , currently , home education through labor is increasingly in a state of neglect , with various problems becoming increasingly urgent and current situation of education beyond optimism .