
  1. 你不嫌麻烦地把我勾到这就是为了报警?

    You go to this trouble to get me here , and now you call the cops ?

  2. 但是,把虫勾到鱼钩上是我最不想做的事。

    However , putting worms on the fish hooks was the last thing that I wanted to do .

  3. 现在他只要用鹤嘴锄的铁齿把石头一块一块的勾到身边来就得了。

    He had nothing more to do now , but with the iron tooth of the pickaxe to draw the stones towards him one by one .

  4. 男人自己勾不到女人时就会花钱请他帮助

    He 's the guy people hire when they can 't pick up women on their own .

  5. 当饰带毛勾漂流到下游时,降低竿尖和增放飞蝇线使饰带毛勾继续漂流。

    As the fly passes and drifts downstream , lower the rod tip and feed line to the drift .

  6. 找出最适合的时机,利用哈定的勾绳爬到阳台上。

    Find the right moment and use Harding 's grappling device to haul up to the balcony .