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The results are shown as below : 1 . The lower temperature was better effective for keeping quality of pickled cut cabbage and was beneficial for maintaining sucrose , but V c existed mainly in an oxidation type .
Here cabbage is actually made the most delicious flavor .
Preliminary study on differentiation of pathogenicity of Fusarium solani causing soybean root rot
Brussel sprouts are a staple Thanksgiving day dish and they also have beaucoup health benefits .
Spinach , egg-plant , cabbage , cauliflower , cucumber and turnip are our fabourite vegetables .
Some vegetables are easily affected by ethylene , including asparagus , broccoli , cabbage and cucumbers .
The biomass or yield of cabbage and pakchoi were not significantly affected by plant patterns in our experiment .
392 . If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage , you 'll get an average wage .
It was found that ginger 、 purple cabbage 、 banana 、 strawberry and black olive had the higher antioxidant activity .
The effects of different temperatures of room temperature or4 ℃ low temperature and potassium sorbate on preservation of pickled cut cabbage were investigated .
On the road just outside Beichuan , someone had dumped a mound of cabbage , evidently unable to find another place to put it .
The antifeedant rate for the larvae was about 53 % , when the larvae were fed by cabbage leaves treated with extract of tomato plant .
The head rot was one of important diseases on cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ), could cause the whole head rot , and affect the quality and quantity of cabbage .
The method and process of measure of the critical surface tension of plant was stated and the critical surface tension of rice , wheat , cabbage , cotton and so on was measured .
The production of nitrite in pickled cut cabbage during short salted period with low saltiness was below 1mg / kg , which is far lower than that of salted vegetables with general made .
So , although " The clever and dexterous woman rips the cabbage " may not appeal to the less adventurous eaters , there 's hope the good sports won 't mind a little food lost in translation .
About the system entropy value , the 6 cropping pattern of rice paddy are all minus entropy value , and only cowpea / ginger / fragrant taro pattern and maize / cabbage / pakchoi pattern is minus entropy value in the 6 cropping pattern of dry land . 2 .