
bāo zhuāng
  • package;pack;wrap up
包装 [bāo zhuāng]
  • (1) [pack;package]

  • (2) 把东西打捆成包或装入箱等容器的动作或过程

  • (3) 包装商品的东西,即起覆盖作用的外表、封套或容器;特指储藏或运输商品时用的保护性的单元

  • 设计一种能吸引顾客注意同时能保护商品的包装

包装[bāo zhuāng]
  1. 把它们成打包装起来。

    Pack them in dozens .

  2. 介绍了电缆包装盒CAD系统的设计方法及功能的实现。

    The CAD system and their functions of the cable - pack drum were introduced .

  3. 我们备有各种各样的贺卡和礼品包装材料。

    We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap .

  4. 他的公司为食品工业提供灵活的包装服务。

    His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry .

  5. 请检查包装盒侧面的成分清单。

    Check the list of ingredients on the side of the package .

  6. 自从把自己重新包装成商业顾问以来,她的收入增加了。

    She earns more since she repackaged herself as a business consultant .

  7. 订货已包装好待运。

    The orders were already packaged up , ready to be sent .

  8. 包装袋上贴上了一大张地址签条。

    A large address label was gummed to the package .

  9. 她把包装盒子的玻璃纸撕了下来。

    She tore the cellophane wrapping off the box .

  10. 巧克力用金箔纸一颗颗独立包装。

    The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold foil .

  11. 他用棕色包装纸把包裹包好,又用细绳捆上。

    He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string .

  12. 然后水果便包装出口。

    Then the fruit is packaged for export .

  13. 精美的包装有助于产品的销售。

    Attractive packaging can help to sell products .

  14. 那幅画仍然包装着。

    The painting was still in its wrappings .

  15. 本价格包括邮资和包装费。

    The price includes postage and packing .

  16. 所有的价格都包括邮资和包装费。

    All prices include postage and packing .

  17. 这家商店提供礼品包装服务。

    The store offers a gift-wrapping service .

  18. 真空包装的火腿片应在食用前30分钟把包装除去。

    Vacuum-packed ham slices should be unwrapped 30 minutes before serving .

  19. 她抱着两个用带有冬青枝叶图案的纸包装的盒子走了出来。

    She came out with two packages wrapped in holly-sprigged paper .

  20. 按照包装袋上的说明煮饭。

    Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet .

  21. 我已从公共基金里拿了一些钱买包装纸。

    I 've taken some money from the pot for wrapping paper .

  22. 然后那些咖啡豆被磨碎,包装好作为咖啡粉出售。

    The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee

  23. 它是包装盒标明的成分之一。

    It is listed among the ingredients on the package .

  24. 包装食品必须列出食品成分。

    Packaged foods have to show a list of ingredients .

  25. 直接邮寄广告业在特卖品的包装方面已经变得非常熟练了。

    The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers .

  26. 用防风雨的帆布背包装照相机和镜头。

    Use a weatherproof rucksack to carry your camera and lenses around in .

  27. 我负责监督所有邮购商品的包装过程。

    I supervise the packing of all mail orders .

  28. 请寄上18.99英镑的支票,外加2英镑的邮资和包装费。

    Send a cheque for £ 18.99 plus £ 2 for postage and packing

  29. 城市必须进行适当的包装以吸引游客。

    A city has to be packaged properly to be attractive to tourists .

  30. 服务项目还包括包装和递送礼物。

    The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts