
  1. 北极动物样品中有机污染物的测定

    Determination of organic contaminants in animal samples from Arctic area

  2. 位于北极国家野生动物保护区

    in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge .

  3. 和北极圈的动物一样,生活在山顶地区的物种也受到了气候变暖的影响。

    Along with arctic animals , species that reside on mountaintops are also experiencing the effects of warming .

  4. 他说冰盖的变化也会对北极的野生动物和依赖环境生存的人类有影响。

    He says changes to the ice cover also affect Arctic wildlife and people who depend on the local environment .

  5. 全球变暖对已经适应最寒冷环境的动物,主要是那些习惯了北极生活的动物造成的伤害最严重。

    Global warming will most harm the animals adapted to the coldest environments , primarily those accustomed to life in the Arctic .

  6. 你或许听说过,豪猪驯鹿的繁殖地位于北极国家野生动物保护区.

    Now you 've probably heard about the Porcupine caribou herd in the context of its breeding ground in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge .

  7. 在北极有很多动物。比如鲸鱼、北极熊、海豹等,而我最喜欢北极熊。

    There 're lots of animals in North Pole , for example whale , polar bear and sea dog , and I like polar bear best .

  8. 增加国内石油生产应该从在北极国家野生动物保护区和其它公有土地(比如说东海岸)钻探入手。

    That increased domestic oil production should come from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other public lands , for example , as well as off the Eastern seaboard .

  9. 美国内政部周二宣布,由于环境问题,其已暂停所有在北极国家野生动物保护区进行的与存在争议的石油和天然气租约计划有关的活动。该部门将启动一项环境分析,审查租约计划的潜在影响。

    The U.S. Department of the Interior announced on Tuesday that it suspended all activities related to the controversial oil and gas leasing program in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge amid environmental concerns .

  10. 同步辐射X荧光技术在北极气溶胶和南极动物骨骼研究中的应用

    The Application of Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence to Research on Arctic Aerosol and Antarctic Animal Bones

  11. 北极是大小捕食动物的家。

    The Arctic is home to predators big and small .

  12. 南极圈和北极圈内有动物存在吗?

    Are there any animals in the polar circles ?

  13. 这样的变暖还可能改变世界范围的天气规律;改变对北极熊这样的动物所处的生态系统。

    That warming also can change weather patterns worldwide and it alters the ecosystems for animals such as polar bears .

  14. 国际自然保护联盟近日已经将北极熊作为珍稀动物纳入《濒危物种红色名录》当中。

    The International Union for Conservation of Nature currently classifies polar bears as vulnerable on its Red List of Threatened Species .

  15. 现在,环保组织正在与那些准备开放阿拉斯加北极圈国家野生动物保护基地,进行石油开发的建议作斗争。

    Today environmental groups are fighting proposals to open protected areas of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling .

  16. 野生动物慈善机构世界野生动物基金会已经指出,北极熊及其他北极动物他们之中数以千计正被人造化学品毒害。

    Polar bears and other Arctic animals are being poisoned in their thousands by man-made chemicals , the wildlife charity WWF has said .

  17. 这对依赖北极生态系统生存的北极野生动物和土著居民提出了独特的挑战。

    This raises unique challenges for Arctic wildlife and indigenous people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive .

  18. 世界自然基金会有关人士说:北极冰盖融化可能会导致北极熊等极地动物在本世纪末灭绝。

    The polar bear is one example of an animal that could become extinct by the end of this century . the WWF said .