
  • 网络regional division of labor
  1. 经济转型城市区域分工的确定

    Regional division of labor in economic transformation cities

  2. 泛长三角区域分工中的安徽农产品加工业发展战略

    Development Strategy for Agricultural Products Processing Industry of Anhui Province under the Regional Division of Labor in Pan-Yangtze River Delta

  3. 区域分工、产业聚集与西北五省经济发展

    Regional Diversion , Agglomeration and Development of the North-west Five Provinces

  4. 论区域分工与角色定位

    Discussion on the Regional Assignment and the Role 's Orientation

  5. 区域分工与汉代商品经济

    The Territorial Division and the Commodity Economy in Han Dynasty

  6. 区域分工、专业化与产业结构调整机理探讨

    Study on the Mechanism of Regional Division , Specialization and Industrial Structure Adjustment

  7. 新时期太原市区域分工和经济竞争策略

    Countermeasures of Taiyuan City 's Area Division and Economic Competition in New Era

  8. 中国种植业区域分工研究

    Analysis of Regional Specialization of Crop Production in China

  9. 区域分工理论与生产性服务业的发展

    Regional Division Theory and Development of Producer Services

  10. 第一章是对有关区域分工与开放理论进行系统的总结与评述。

    Chapter 1 is a systematic summary and commentary on regional division and opening theory .

  11. 而产业分工与合作是区域分工与合作的重要形式。

    And the industrial division is an important form of the regional division and cooperation .

  12. 工业制造业跨区域分工已成为世界生产体系中的显著特征。

    Cross-district division of manufacturing chain has become the distinctive characteristic of world production system .

  13. 区域分工对区域经济发展具有重要作用。

    The region division of labor had the vital role to the region economy development .

  14. 区域分工和专业化是结构调整,特别是战略性结构调整的基础。

    Regional division and the specialization are the foundation of industrial structure adjustment in one region .

  15. 中部崛起过程中区域分工定位的若干思考

    Some Research on the Localization about the Middle Area Dividing in the course of Its Emergence

  16. 经济转型期我国区域分工演化分析

    An Analysis of Evolvement of Division of Labor during the Period of Economic Transform in China

  17. 为提高我国粮食的市场竞争力,各地区应根据其粮食生产的比较优势情况,进行生产区域分工。

    The foodstuff production in different areas should be carried out according to their comparative advantages .

  18. 因此,区域分工与开放带来了利益,也带来了发展中的争论。

    So regional and opening not only bring profit , but also arise the debate of development .

  19. 区域分工的效率与成本&浙江省区域性特色经济优劣分析

    The Efficiency and Cost of Regional Distribution & Analysis of Superiority and Inferiority of Zhejiang Regional Specialty Economy

  20. 种植业区域分工的经济增长效应分析&以陕西省、甘肃省为例

    Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Farming Regional Division on Agricultural Economic Growth & Illustrated by Shaanxi and Gansu provinces

  21. 结果表明,两省种植业区域分工均与本省的农业经济增长呈较为显著的正相关。

    The result showed that the relation between agricultural regional division and its agricultural economic growth is positively significant in each province .

  22. 第二章梳理区域分工理论。本章对区位理论、分工与贸易理论进行了梳理。

    The second chapter is to card regional specialization theory , mainly the location theory , international specialization and international trade theory .

  23. 东北亚区域分工协作的走向&日本产业结构调整意图评析

    Trend of Regional Division and Coordination of Labor of Northeast Asia : Intention Evaluation and Analysis of Japan 's Industrial Structural Adjustment

  24. 本论文的研究成果对拓展和深化中国与东盟国家区域分工,促进双边贸易可持续发展有一定的借鉴意义。

    Furthering the economics and trade to develop between China and ASEAN can draw on the experience of the research results to this paper .

  25. 中国制造业的区域分工程度及变化趋势是一个重要的议题,在不同时期都被热烈的讨论过。

    The level and tendency of China regional division of labor is an important issue , which has been fiercely discussed at various stages .

  26. 最后本文对川渝两地产业承接区域分工进行了可行性分析并提出了政策建议。

    Finally , the paper analyses the feasibility of the regional division between Sichuan and Chongqing during undertaking industry transfer and put forward policy recommendations .

  27. 养老产业的区域分工&兼论三亚市发展养老产业的可行性

    On Regional Division between Industries for the Elder Support & Concurrent Review on the Possibility for Developing the Industries for the Elder Support in Sanya City

  28. 第二章主要论证了中国区域分工利益实现与分配的经济机制。首先,区域分工可以带来区域经济利益的增进及区域福利水平的提高,这是微观经济机制的作用。

    Chapter 2 mainly expounds and proves the economic mechanism for the realization and distribution of Chinese regional division profit from the point of regional economics .

  29. 城市产业的战略定位关系着城市发展的成败,现有产业定位在理论上主要依据比较优势理论(绝对优势论、比较优势论、机会成本说)或比较优势理论的延伸(区域分工理论)。

    Urban industry strategy-making is very important to urban development . Present studies on industry selection mainly go on the comparative advantage theory or its derivative theory .

  30. 在施行篮球三人裁判制时,应注意宣判尺度一致,严格遵守区域分工,掌握轮转时机。

    While applying basketball three officials system , we should pay attention to the decision measurement accordance , strictly observe area division and seize the turning opportunity .