
yī xué wén xiàn
  • medical literature
  1. 进一步翻阅医学文献后我发现,这些都是有科学解释的。

    Digging further into the medical literature , I found out there was a scientific explanation for all this

  2. 每个护士每周还用两个晚上来学习与她工作有关的医学文献。

    Each nurse also devotes two evenings a week to studying medical literature in her field .

  3. 目的:探索利用因特网(Internet)进行医学文献检索的策略。

    Objective : To explore the strategy to search medical literature on Internet .

  4. 基于WEB的军事医学文献检索系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation Military Medical Literature Retrieval System Design and Implementation Based on Web

  5. “当我研究此医学文献时,我注意到它为一个已经产生的趋势,”Dr。

    " As I studied the medical literature , I noticed that a trend appeared ," says Dr.

  6. 医学文献检索课PBL教学法的改进

    Improvement of PBL Teaching Method in Medical Literature Retrieval Courses

  7. 医学文献检索课应用PBL教学法的探索与实践

    Application of problem-based learning in medical literature retrieval teaching : an exploration and practice

  8. CBM与网上二种中文期刊全文数据库收录医学文献的包含关系

    Containment relation on medicine literature coverage of CBM and two Chinese periodical full-text databases

  9. 面对Internet上丰富的生物医学资源,详细介绍了搜索引擎的查询技巧,然后又对医学文献数据库的检索方法和内容进行了简述。

    Facing the abundant biomedical resources on Internet , this paper introduces in detail the query skills of using the search engine , and expounds the retrieval methods and contents of the medical literature databases .

  10. 目前国际公认的文献检索工具首推医学文献联机检索数据库(MEDLINE)。

    One of the worldwide accepted tools for literature retrieval nowadays is MEDLINE .

  11. 该系统对医学文献记录中的医学主题词MeSH及自由文本中的医学概念同时进行相关概念提取,弥补了只使用其中一个的不足,提高了获取相关概念的效果。

    The system extracts relative biomedical concepts from both MeSH and free text in the literature and achieves better extracting effect comparing to using only extracting from one of them .

  12. 谈MEDLINE数据库循证医学文献检索

    Evidence-based medicine literature retrieval in MEDLINE database

  13. 具体地说,在进行高度专业化的医学文献搜索时,可以使用一种正式的语言(已在本系列的第三篇文章中进行了讨论)来搜索医学主题词(MeSH)。

    In particular , a formal language ( discussed in the third article of this series ) for medical headings ( MeSH ) can be used for highly specialized searches of medical literature .

  14. SCIE收录2001-2003年中国医学文献的被引情况分析

    Cited Chinese medical literature from 2001 to 2003 on SCI-E : an analysis

  15. 本文利用文献计量学方法,对世界权威科技文献情报源INDEXMEDICUS,ExcerptaMedica,BiologicalAbstracts和ScienceCitationIndex收录医学文献的情况进行了比较研究。

    This study was designed to make a comparative evaluation of the performance of Index Medicus , Excerpta Medica , Biological Abstracts and Science Citation Index covering medical literature with the method of bibliometrics .

  16. 通过对医学文献进行分析后发现,质子治疗的适应症与常规X(γ)射线放疗相似,由于具有物理剂量学的特性,因而在治疗某些关键器官或临近关键器官的病变时具有显著优势。

    The indications of proton beam therapy are similar to that of conventional X (γ) ray radiotherapy . With its physical characteristics , proton beam therapy is significantly superior in the treatment of diseases located in or adjacent to critical organs .

  17. 系统介绍了医学文献检索课中开展PBL教学的方案,提出了PBL教学模式的主要优势,并对PBL教学实施中的关键环节进行较为深入的探讨。

    This paper describes the whole process of problem-based learning ( PBL ) in medical literature retrieval teaching , points out the advantages of PBL and thoroughly discusses its main sectors .

  18. Nichol博士和他的同事在12月份的《儿科学与青少年医学文献》里报告说。

    Nichol and colleagues in Minneapolis report in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine for December .

  19. 为满足临床医师的需求,我们主要就药物信息、检验信息、美国生物医学数据库MEDLINE、中文生物医学数据库等方面信息进行了开发与应用,建立了医学文献计算机网络查询系统。

    In order to meet the requirement of the clinicians , the computer network medical literature retrieval in drug , laboratory test , Medline and Chinese Biomedicine Database were established .

  20. 通过经典文献、现代医学文献、实验室及临床研究等四方面研究提示,我们认为血瘀证可以作为CSH高黄疸的基本证型。

    Through classical literature , modern medical literature , laboratory and clinical research studies suggest four areas , we believe that high blood stasis as CSH type of syndrome of jaundice .

  21. 浅谈英文医学文献的语言特点

    Talking about the Linguistic Characteristics of the Medical Literatures in English

  22. 关于医学文献检索课应增加有关教学内容的探析

    Analysis on Increasement of Teaching Contents for Medical Literature Retrieval Courses

  23. 医学文献检索课引进循证医学教学内容的构思

    Some EBM contents should be integrated into medical literature retrieval teaching

  24. 黑龙江省医学文献信息资源共享研究

    The Research into Medical Literature Information Resources Sharing in Heilongjiang Province

  25. 交互式医学文献检索课程专题网络平台的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of interactive medical literature retrieval curriculum network platform

  26. 谈《医学文献检索》网络课程的开发

    Development of the Web - based course of Medical Literature Retrieval

  27. 医学文献英文摘要的常见错误和不规范表达

    Common mistakes and nonstandard expressions in English abstracts of medical literatures

  28. 医学文献检索课堂教学系统控制与设计的方法

    Design and control of classroom teaching system for medical literature retrieval

  29. 山西省医学文献资源调查的分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Medical Literature Resources in Shanxi Province

  30. 研究结果发表在《儿科学与青少年医学文献》期刊上。

    It appears in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine .