
  • 网络WashingtonConsensus;The Washington Consensus
  1. “华盛顿共识(washingtonconsensus)”曾经为其它所有国家制定了规则。

    The Washington consensus once set the rules for everyone else .

  2. 以稳定、私有化、自由化为核心的“华盛顿共识”(washingtonconsensus)已然作古!

    The " Washington consensus " stabilise , privatise and liberalise is dead .

  3. 柏林墙的倒下被认为是上述“华盛顿共识”(Washingtonconsensus)胜利的标志。

    The fall of the Berlin Wall was held to mark the triumph of this Washington consensus .

  4. 这些共性符合上世纪90年代强调宏观经济稳定、贸易和市场的所谓华盛顿共识(Washingtonconsensus)。

    These points are consistent with the so-called Washington consensus of the 1990s , which emphasised macroeconomic stability , trade and the market .

  5. 之所以被称为华盛顿共识政策,是因为它们得到华盛顿三个最强大经济机构的倡导:美国财政部(USTreasury)、国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行(WorldBank)。

    The Washington Consensus policies are so named because they are advocated by the three most powerful economic organisations in Washington DC : the US Treasury , the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank .

  6. 委内瑞拉就是一个例子。该国多年来利用其原油垄断地位诱使拉美国家反对华盛顿共识(Washingtonconsensus)提出的自由经济政策。

    Just look at Venezuela , which for many years used its oil monopoly to cajole Latin American states into defying the liberal economic prescriptions of the Washington Consensus .

  7. 他们视美国为这些价值观的守护者,并鼓励世界银行(worldbank)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)等国际机构以华盛顿共识的形式在全球范围推广这些价值观。

    They viewed the US as the guardian of these values and encouraged international institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to promote them globally in the form of the Washington consensus .

  8. 2005年,莫拉莱斯在抗议所谓的“华盛顿共识”(WashingtonConsensus)政策——财政紧缩、贸易自由化、去监管化和私有化——的浪潮中当上总统。此前的20年里,这些政策在他的国家产生了不好的效果。

    In 2005 , Morales became president on the wave of protest against the so-called Washington Consensus policies of fiscal retrenchment , trade liberalisation , deregulation and privatisation that had ill served his country in the preceding two decades .

  9. 华盛顿共识与北京共识比较

    A Comparison between " Washington Consensus " and " Beijing Consensus "

  10. 华盛顿共识可能变为北京困境。

    The Washington consensus could become the Beijing dilemma .

  11. 以个人而言,我不会这麽快就放弃「华盛顿共识」。

    Personally , I wouldn 't give up on the Washington Consensus so fast .

  12. 有华盛顿共识之称的自由资本主义神圣原则被撕成了碎片。

    The sacred text of liberal capitalism known as the Washington consensus was shredded .

  13. 斯蒂格利茨对华盛顿共识的批判

    The Criticism of Joseph Stiglitz on Washington Consensus

  14. 商品和金融市场的开放在所谓的华盛顿共识框架下进行。

    The opening of goods and financial markets was framed by the so-called Washington consensus .

  15. 国际战略政策方面主张全球资本主义化,推行华盛顿共识。

    Advocating capitalized and Washington Consensus .

  16. 然而,这些国家的经验表明了华盛顿共识政策未能在发展中国家奏效。

    However , these countries " experiences show how the Washington Consensus policies have failed developing countries .

  17. 近年来,国际社会讨论、批判和抵制新自由主义尤其是华盛顿共识的潮流不断高涨。

    In recent years , a great tide of discussing , reproaching and resisting neo-liberalism rose among international communities .

  18. 玻利维亚不是唯一在抵制华盛顿共识的情况下改善了经济表现的拉美国家。

    Bolivia isn 't the only country in Latin America that has defied the Washington Consensus and improved its economic performance .

  19. 通过对中俄经济转型的理论基础华盛顿共识和制度演进主义的比较分析,思考中国经济转型与未来发展之路。

    Through having studied these papers , this paper study comparatively Washington consensus and evolutionary-institutionalist perspective comprehended China and Russia economic transition .

  20. 已经有人在称颂“北京共识”的诞生,与此前无所不能的“华盛顿共识”分庭抗礼。

    There are some who laud the birth of a " Beijing Consensus " to rival the previously omnipotent " Washington consensus " .

  21. 他拥有无懈可击的资历,但同时也无懈可击地认同华盛顿共识&以至于他可能不会带来大量的实际变化。

    He is impeccably qualified ; but so impeccably in line with the Washington Consensus that he might not bring much practical change .

  22. 它可能会被贴上“国家资本主义”的标签,以区别于《华盛顿共识》所倡导的“国际资本主义”。

    It may be given the label of " state capitalism " as distinct from the international capitalism championed by the Washington Consensus .

  23. 《华盛顿共识》已经失败,目前的国际资本主义由于缺乏足够的监管,内在的不稳定性已被显现。

    The Washington Consensus has failed . International Capitalism in its present form has proven itself inherently unstable because it lacks adequate regulation .

  24. 阿根廷、厄瓜多尔、乌拉圭和委内瑞拉都抛弃了华盛顿共识政策,这些国家都在加快经济增长的同时,减轻了收入不平等。

    Argentina , Ecuador , Uruguay and Venezuela have all ditched Washington Consensus policies and have seen both accelerated economic growth and reduced income inequality .

  25. 我国选择了非华盛顿共识的局部渐进方式,使市场经济新制度因素逐步产生与演化,使计划经济制度逐步淘汰与退缩最终被平稳替代。

    Therefore , the new system of market economy was gradually formed and developed while the system of planned economy was eliminated and finally replaced successfully .

  26. 比较北京共识和华盛顿共识后表明,二者不但在内容上不同,更为重要的是双方对普遍化的不同主张。

    The comparison between the terms Beijing consensus and Washington consensus shows differences not in terms of contents but more importantly , its respective claims for universality .

  27. 一度占如此支配地位、但最终无法让顾客满意的华盛顿共识政策,看起来必将消失在历史的阴影之中。

    Unable to make its customers happy , the Washington Consensus policy package , once so dominant , looks set to disappear into the shadow of history .

  28. 他反对促成华盛顿共识的经济简化论,认为人是文化的产物,而不是计算利益得失的机器。

    He rejected the economic reductionism that drove the Washington consensus , and insisted instead on seeing people as products of culture rather than as profit-and-loss calculating machines .

  29. 我认为大家都认识到,较一贯地反映在以前政策中的华盛顿共识的各项主题,依然是经济政策的重要主题。

    I think everybody recognizes the themes of the Washington consensus , which were reflected more consistently in the earlier policy , remain important themes of economic policy .

  30. 华盛顿共识秉持当时流行的自由经济思维:固定或准固定汇率、财政纪律、自由贸易,以及一轮接一轮的私有化。

    The Washington Consensus espoused the then current liberal economic thinking – fixed or quasi-fixed exchange rates , fiscal discipline , free trade , and round after round of privatisations .