
  • 网络SoC;power-system-on-a-chip;single chip
  1. 为了学习BASICStamp单晶片微电脑,我们希望你从整个工作系统开始并弄懂它的结构。

    In order to learn about the BASIC Stamp , we want you to begin with a complete working system and understand its function .

  2. 采用零蠕变法测量Si(111)单晶片上沉积的TiAlAl多层膜界面自由能。

    Interfacial free energy of TiAl / Al multilayer thin film on Si ( 111 ) substrates was determined by zero creep method .

  3. 随著元件尺寸的遽缩,奈米制程使得单晶片(SOC)设计的应用越来越普遍。

    While CMOS sizes are shrinking rapidly , more and more ASIC applications adopt System-on-Chip ( SOC ) designs with nanometer technologies .

  4. ULSI衬底硅单晶片清洗技术现况与展望

    Present Situations and Prospects of Wafer Cleaning in ULSI

  5. 在单晶片CdSxSe(1-x)上的非线性特性的研究

    Study of Nonlinear Properties in Mono-crystal CdS_XSe_ ( 1-X ) Films

  6. 本文还进一步研究了测试硅单晶片少子寿命的表面光电压法,并在上海先进使用SPV测试设备进行了硅单晶片的测试。

    This paper also researches the surface photo voltage method which is used to measure silicon wafer .

  7. 结构材料由分子束外延制备,衬底片为(001)半绝缘InP单晶片,器件制作选用台面结构。

    The material structure was grown on ( 001 ) semi-induction InP wafer by molecular beam epitaxy , and the device was fabricated with a mesa structure .

  8. 研究了直拉头尾料P型硅单晶片在360~1300℃范围热处理前后氧碳含量、电阻率和少子扩散长度的变化规律及其对所制成太阳电池性能的影响。

    Variations of oxygen and carbon contents , resistivity and minority carrier dif-fusion length caused by heat treatment from 360 to 1300 in P-type CZ-Si single crys-tal made from head and end materials and effect of the variations on characteristics of Si so-lar cell are studied .

  9. 随着VLSI(超大规模集成电路设计verylarge-ScaledIntegratedCircuit)技术和工艺水平的不断发展,单晶片上集成多个处理单元已经成为可能,可以运行同构或者异构的应用。

    As VLSI ( very large scale integrated circuit design Very Large-Scaled Integrated Circuit ) technology and the technological level of the continuous development of single-chip integration of multiple processing units has become possible , you can run the application of homogeneous or heterogeneous .

  10. 以氟化镧(掺杂)的单晶片和多晶电解质管分别作为固体电解质,Sn、SnF2为参比电极,Pt网为待测电极,构成Sn,SnF2LaF3Pt气体敏感元件。

    The sensors of Sn , SnF 2 LaF 3 Pt was prepared with Sn ? SnF 2 reference electrode . LaF 3 single crystalline piece and polycrystalline tube were used as solid electrolyte in the two kinds of sensors .

  11. VB-GaAs单晶片抛光技术研究

    Research of Polished Technology of VB GaAs Wafers

  12. 本文研究双掺杂硅单晶片在非氧化气氛下高温热处理形成P-N-P双重结的现象。

    This paper studies the phenomenon of P-N-P double-junction built on a dualdopant silicon wafer by the heat treatment under a non-oxidation condition .

  13. 钛膜在10~(-7)Torr真空中用电子束蒸发沉积在硅单晶片上,以快速热退火方式进行团相反应。

    Titanium films are deposited on Si wafers by electron-beam evaporation in vacuum , the base pressure of the system is 10-7 Torr . Solid phase reaction results through rapid thermal annealing .

  14. GB/T15713-1995锗单晶片基于单片机的晶闸管交流调压器设计

    Design of the thyristor AC voltage regulator controller based on single chip microcomputer

  15. 导模法生长的白宝石单晶片中缺陷的消除

    Elimination of Defects in EFG grown Sapphire Ribbons

  16. 浸透润滑脂的衬片,制动器的摩擦片GB/T15713-1995锗单晶片

    Grease-soaked lining Monocrystalline germanium slices

  17. 为了获得高质量半绝缘砷化镓单晶片,有必要降低微缺陷密度。

    To obtain high quality semi-insulating GaAs wafers , it is necessary to decrease microscopic defect density .

  18. 单晶片处理式等离子装置

    Single wafer plasma system

  19. 以蓝宝石单晶片作为探头中的敏感元件,可耐2000℃以上的高温。

    A single crystal sapphire flat serves as the sensing element , which can withstand temperatures over 2000 ℃ .

  20. 本文用硅单晶片作标样,对摄得的菊池线用四种方法处理以测定实际的电子波长。

    The electron wavelength was measured by analyzing the Kikuchi Lines from acon single crystal in four different ways .

  21. 为了降低成本,目前大部份数位相机使用单晶片感光元件及一片三色交错滤光镜。

    Digital cameras use a single image sensor array with a color filter array ( CFA ) to measure a color image .

  22. 利用(n~v,-n~s)排列双晶衍射术测量了硅单晶片经As~+离子注入后产生的微小弯曲形变。

    The curvature radius of the Si crystal after As + ion implantation is measured by ( nv , - ns ) double-crystal diffractometry .

  23. 垂直扫描机构是单晶片离子注入机靶盘的支撑部件,起着将高速直线运动从靶室外传递到靶盘的作用。

    Vertical scanner is the supporting part of a series process ion implanter , which transfer high speed movement from outside of the chamber to the target inside .

  24. 建立压电悬臂梁的两种典型结构即单晶片悬臂结构与双晶片悬臂结构,对两种结构建立能量转换模型,得出理论公式。

    Establish two typical structures , namely , single-crystal flakes cantilever and bimorph cantilever , on which we built the energy conversion model to arrive at theoretical formula .

  25. 使用这一方法可记录到厚度为1μm的单晶片上的时间为1-μs范围内的透过率变化,并用计算机模拟了这一过程。

    By these methods , the changes of transmitting effects are recorded in film CdSxSe ( 1-x ) with the thickness of 1 μ m in the duration of 1 μ s. The modulation of this process is done on computer .

  26. YAG单晶基片的精密抛光及SPM检测

    Measuring the Precision Machining Surface of YAG Crystalline Substrates with SPM

  27. XRD摇摆曲线在单晶基片质量检测中的应用

    Application of XRD rocking Curve to evaluate The quality on single crystal substrates of film growing

  28. 蓝色GaN基LED和LD单晶基片&MgAl2O4晶体生长

    Crystal Substrates for Blue GaN based LED and LD & Growth of MgAl 2O 4 Crystals

  29. 用HF溶液对单晶Si片进行阳极化处理,形成多孔Si。

    Porous silicon layers were formed by anodization of Si wafers in hydrofluoric ( HF ) solu-tion .

  30. 为此,研究SiC单晶抛光片的加工技术和表面质量的表征方法具有较高的实用价值。

    Therefor , it has higher practical value to research the processing and characterization techniques for polished SiC single crystal wafer .