
  • 网络Individual Awards;Single Award
  1. 但不同的是,这一次它们的车型赢得了特别优胜单项奖。

    The difference this time is that its cars are winning individual awards for superiority .

  2. 每年,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖都是第一项公布的诺贝尔单项奖。

    Medicine is the first of the Nobel prizes awarded each year .

  3. 符合国家规定的其它免税单项奖。

    Other tax-free bonus conforming to the national regulations .

  4. 医院奖金分别有:达标奖、超劳奖、平均奖、单项奖等。

    The kind of bonus includes the standard , the excess , the average , the singleton and etc.

  5. 有效票为同时对4个单项奖均投票,且正确输入验证码。

    A vote will count as valid only if you have submitted the verification code and voted in all of the4 categories .

  6. 根据施工质量追踪,以及观测监测表明:施工质量好,获1991年度能源部优质工程单项奖。

    Thesubsequent inspection and observation revealed that the rock abuttal construction quality is excellent , and it was awarded a specific prize by Ministry of Energy in1991 .