
mài guó
  • Traitor;betray one's country;turn traitor to one's country;turn traitor to one's mother land
卖国 [mài guó]
  • [turn traitor to one's mother land;betray one's country] 投靠敌人,出卖祖国和人民的利益

  • 卖国求荣

卖国[mài guó]
  1. 美国正在下沉,如果美国公司和美国代表们继续卖国行为的话。

    We are sinking if American corporations and our representatives continue partsan practices .

  2. 卖国有赏,汉奸弹冠相庆。

    Treason is rewarded and traitors are jubilant over their new appointments and honours .

  3. 有些评论家认为这本书是对法国存在的卖国主义趋势的精彩评论。

    Some commentators see the book as a brilliant commentary on France 's collaborationist tendencies .

  4. 谁不欠债呢?再说了,小威也不会为了还债而卖国。

    Everyone 's got debts , and Westie wouldn 't want to clear them by selling out his country .

  5. 他的博客上密密麻麻地写满了评论,例如卖什么都可以,但卖国不行!

    His blog is peppered with comments such as selling anything is fine but selling out the country is wrong !

  6. 国家分成两边,一半爱国,一半卖国,无人可以分清哪是哪。

    The nation is divided , half patriots and half traitors , and no man can tell which from which .

  7. 间谍活动、叛党卖国、逮捕拷打、处决灭迹,这种事情永远不会完。

    The espionage , the betrayals , the arrests , the tortures , the executions , the disappearances will never cease .

  8. 延安定二月一日召开反对汪精卫卖国协定的民众大会。

    A mass rally to denounce Wang Ching-wei 's traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yenan .

  9. 对一方来说,这是检验“爱国”与“卖国”、“忠诚”与“背叛”、“英雄”与“败类”的试金石;

    On the one hand , this is the touchstone of patriotism or betray , loyalty or betray , hero or scum .

  10. 中国的对外投资一直是非洲经济发展的一股强劲力量(可悲的是,也为卖国肥己的非洲官员提供了丰厚的退休金)。

    Chinese foreign investment has been a powerful force for African economic development ( and , sadly , for the retirement funds of African kleptocrats ) .

  11. 你们的政府很久以来就是卖国政府,仅仅为了节省文字起见,有时我们省写了这两个字,现在不能省了。

    Your government has long been traitorous , and it was only for the sake of brevity that we sometimes omitted the word ; now we can omit it no longer .

  12. 对《补天裂》的人物形象分析,笔者一反传统的爱国型、转变型和卖国型的分类,提出爱国型、矛盾型和卖国型的观点。

    To " Overcomes nature Crack " the character image analysis , an author counter-tradition patriotic , the transformation and betrays country the classification , proposed patriotic , the contradiction and betrays country viewpoint .

  13. 通用公司已经在网易上卖国二手车,您可以通过点击“立即购买”来查看价格或者找到一个更好的价格。

    GM already sells used cars on eBay . You can click " Buy It Now " for a set price or make an offer in order to try to get an even better price .

  14. 被人称为爱国主义影片而实际是卖国主义影片的《清宫秘史》,在全国放映之后,至今没有被批判。

    Inside Story of the Ching Court , which has been described by certain people as a film of patriotism but is in fact one of national betrayal , has never been criticized since it was shown all over the country .

  15. 二月一日延安举行讨汪大会,全场义愤激昂,一致决议声讨汪精卫之卖国投降,拥护抗战到底。

    This mass rally against Wang Ching-wei , held in Yenan on February 1 , unanimously resolves , in righteous indignation , to denounce his treason and capitulation and to wage the War of Resistance Against Japan to the very end .

  16. “中国的对外投资一直是非洲经济发展的一股强劲力量(可悲的是,也为卖国肥己的非洲官员提供了丰厚的退休金)。然而只有中国政府,以及涉足非洲的国有企业表现得更为慷慨,中国才能构筑起软实力。”

    Chinese foreign investment has been a powerful force for African economic development ( and , sadly , for the retirement funds of African kleptocrats ) . But China isn 't going to build up its soft power unless its government and state-owned enterprises in Africa are willing to dig a little deeper .