
  • 网络Southampton;University Of Southampton
  1. 船停泊在南安普敦。

    The ship is berthed at Southampton .

  2. 他是南安普敦大学考古学课程导师。

    He is course tutor in archaeology at the University of Southampton

  3. 他被任命担任南安普敦大学的社会学教授一职。

    He has been appointed to the chair of sociology at Southampton University

  4. 他的进球使森林队以两球领先南安普敦队。

    His goal gave Forest a two-goal lead against Southampton

  5. 南安普敦之行表明这辆车还是挺能跑的。

    A run to Southampton showed the car was capable of a reasonable journey .

  6. 从南安普敦转借来的戴维·斯皮迪为伯明翰进了他的第一球。

    David Speedie , on loan from Southampton , scored his first goal for Birmingham

  7. 基冈为南安普敦队踢了两个赛季,共上场68次,进球37个。

    Keegan made 68 appearances in two seasons for Southampton , scoring 37 times .

  8. 1970年,应他新任妻子的要求,他们搬到了南安普敦。

    In 1970 , at his new wife 's behest , they moved to Southampton

  9. 南安普敦队最终还是出乎意料地又一次获得了足总杯赛的胜利。

    Southampton had somehow managed to pull another Cup victory out of the hat .

  10. 南安普敦队在开场仅30秒后便凭理查德·肖的一记乌龙球获得领先。

    Southampton took the lead through a Richard Shaw own goal after only 30 seconds .

  11. 我们在南安普敦上岸。

    We landed at southampton .

  12. 设计者是来自汉普郡,南安普敦的游艇设计公司BMTNigelGee。

    The designer is BMT Nigel Gee , of Southampton , Hants .

  13. 一些乘客穿上了当时的服装,有些女乘客戴上了皮毛帽子,有些男乘客身穿西装,头戴圆顶礼帽,在英国南部海岸的南安普敦登上了这艘MS巴尔莫勒尔号游轮。

    Some donned period costume , including furs and feathered hats for women and suits and bowler hats for men , to board the MS Balmoral at Southampton on the southern English coast .

  14. 2007年8月17日,周五,21位华尔街上最具影响力的投资者在乔治•索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)位于纽约长岛(LongIsland)东端南安普敦的家中会面吃饭。

    On Friday , August 17 2007 , 21 of Wall Street 's most influential investors met for lunch at George Soros 's Southampton estate on the eastern end of Long Island .

  15. 在大西洋彼岸,streetcar在伦敦、布赖顿和南安普敦开展汽车共享业务,其合伙创始人安德鲁瓦伦丁(andrewvalentine)称,该公司已有6000个会员,而且每月新增750个会员。

    Across the Atlantic , streetcar , which operates in London , Brighton and Southampton , has 6000 members and is adding 750 each month , according to Andrew Valentine , co-founder .

  16. Shine集团的“每分钟生一个”,在2010年的时候作为一个关于婴儿产出的纪录片始于南安普敦,已经被卖给了美国,法国,西班牙和瑞典。

    Shine Group 's " One Born Every Minute ", which began in2010 as a documentary about a labour ward in Southampton , has already been sold as a format to America , France , Spain and Sweden .

  17. Harold和EleanorWaldorf的女儿,由NathanielArchibald相伴。plan:计划计划2013年成为耶鲁大学的一员,Southampton:南安普敦(英国港市)她将会继续在南汉普敦度过夏天,charity:慈善机关(团体)志愿奉献时间给儿童慈善机构。

    Blair Cornelia waldorf , Blair Cornelia Waldorf daughter of Harold and Eleanor waldorf , escorted by Nathaniel Archibald , Plans to be a member of Yale 's class of 2013 . she will continue to summer , in Southampton and volunteer her time , to children 's charities .

  18. 那天早上他们在南安普敦靠码头时天正下着雨。

    It was raining the morning they docked at southampton .

  19. 今大清晨,舰队正从南安普敦驶出。

    The fleet is sailing from Southampton early this morning .

  20. 这份出自南安普敦综合医院的研究,发表在《刺胳针》期刊上。

    The research from Southampton General Hospital is published in the Lancet .

  21. 利物浦队也不轻松,他们同南安普敦的比赛将在28日下午4点30分开球。

    Liverpool 's game against Southampton kicks off at4.30pm .

  22. 伊丽沙白女王二号航行在纽约和南安普敦之间。

    The QE2 sails between New York and southampton .

  23. 宾荷尔是圣工会教士,又是南安普敦一所公立文法学校校监。

    John Pinhorne , a clergyman in Southampton who maintained a Free Grammar School .

  24. 在南安普敦表演后教练员与队员合影。

    The coaches took pictures with all the staff after the show in Southampton .

  25. 它拥有古代王朝的首都&温切斯特,并拥有了海军基地朴次茅斯和南安普敦等港口城市。

    It had the ancient capital-Winchester , the naval base-Portsmouth , the seaport city-Southampton .

  26. 我的母亲告诉我南安普敦有一家设备齐全的烘焙店要出租。

    My mom told me about a fully equipped bakery for rent in Southampton .

  27. 他们在新娘父母位于南安普敦的庄园完婚。

    Marry they did , in Southampton at the bride 's parents ' estate .

  28. 我可以从滑多铁卢以南安普敦去吗?

    Can I go from Waterloo to southampton ?

  29. 「辛巴威人报」在今年二月开办,基地则在英国的南安普敦。

    The Zimbabwean was started in February and is based in Southampton , England .

  30. 船停泊在南安普敦。

    The ship is berthed at southampton .