
zhàn yònɡ kōnɡ jiān
  • Occupied space;take up space
  1. 这种盘子可以迅速降解,所以不会在垃圾填埋场占用空间。

    They biodegrade quickly so they won 't take up space in a landfill .

  2. 修剪草坪的时候,不要清理剪下的杂草,它们可以为土壤增加养分,也不在垃圾场占用空间。

    When you finally get around to mowing the lawn , don 't bother picking up the clippings ; they add nutrients to the soil and won 't take up space in landfills .

  3. 作为增强企业特性的代价,您牺牲了简单性,客户机占用空间(clientfootprint)也不再像以前那么小了,而且也没有了异步性。

    In exchange for enhanced enterprise features , you sacrifice simplicity , a small client footprint , and asynchrony .

  4. CommunityEdition的很小内存占用空间、易用性、免费可用性和IBM世界级的可选支持,使其对于中小型组织的来说非常理想。

    Its small footprint , ease of use , free availability and IBM world-class , optional support makes it ideal for small and medium sized organizations .

  5. 与数据部分中不同,BSS部分中声明的变量并不实际占用空间。

    Variables declared in the BSS section don 't actually take space , unlike in the data segment .

  6. rootvg文件系统的磁盘占用空间可能会增长,这并不为足。

    It 's no surprise that the disk usage for rootvg file systems can grow .

  7. 作为AIX中最常用的存储格式,内部硬驱常被用于根卷组磁盘以及占用空间较小的服务器。

    The most common form of storage in AIX , internal hard drives are typically used for root volume group disks and servers with smaller footprints .

  8. 目前市场上主要还是以PC为平台的数控系统,功能强大却也存在着资源浪费,占用空间大等缺点。

    The present market mainly uses the PC as the platform of the numerical control system . It has strong function but also has shortcomings , such as wasted resources and takes up the big space .

  9. 但是在DB2客户机安装映像中仍然有一些占用空间的组件不能够通过db2iprune删除。

    There are still some space-consuming components that you can 't eliminate within a DB2 client installation image using db2iprune .

  10. NetBSD的占用空间小、易于移植和BSD许可都使得它成为嵌入式系统的最佳选择。

    NetBSD 's small footprint , ease of portability , and BSD license make it a perfect choice for embedded systems .

  11. 可以将其打包为占用空间较小的JAR或OSGi包(请参见参考资料部分),如果您希望创建自己的自定义管理程序,那么它为您提供了更大的灵活性。

    It can be packaged as a JAR or OSGi bundle with a small footprint ( see Resources ), and offers increased flexibility if you want to create your own custom admin programs .

  12. J2ME以其跨平台、易于移植、占用空间小的绝对优势成为移动应用开发平台的主流,并提供了很多用以支持移动应用软件的开发的API。

    As main development platform of mobile application , J2ME takes up the absolute superiority because of cross-platform , easy-to-transplant , little space occupied and provides many APIS to support software development of mobile application .

  13. 在选择最佳的手持设备操作系统(OS)时,要全面考虑占用空间、功耗、最终用途、处理器类型、存储器、电池寿命及成本等各种因素。

    It is important that small footprint , low power consumption , end use , processor type , memory , battery life , cost and more need to be considered within a whole system and tradeoffs counterbalanced before selecting an OS that s the right fit .

  14. 人们在设计和模拟数字系统时大多采用VHDL语言,然而设计的庞大规模及VHDL语言本身的复杂性造成其模拟器开发难度大,并且往往存在着运行速度慢、占用空间多等问题。

    People mostly adopt VHDL language in designing and simulation digital system . But the huge scale of design and the language complexity of itself lead to the problems of difficult developing , slowly run speed and heavily taking space of the simulator .

  15. 本文给出此结构的插入和查询算法描述,并通过实验比较其与TPR-tree在索引占用空间、插入、查询效率这三方面的性能优劣,验证了此索引结构的可行性与优越性。

    The paper gives the structure description , insertion and search algorithms , then compares this structure with existing spatio-temporal access method TPR-tree in structure size , insertion and query efficiency , which proves it high-power for indexing moving objects in road networks .

  16. 合理占用空间的智能数模转换控制系统

    Intelligent D / A conversion control system of rational using space

  17. 论汽车占用空间与道路设施的关系

    On the Relationship between Occupied Space of the Vehicle and Road Installation

  18. 占用空间少,系统结构简单,非常有利于旧炉改造。

    Less space occupying and simple structure greatly help transform old furnace .

  19. 极限概念的辩证法探讨城市建设深基坑支护存在的一个难点是由于场地建设空间有限,支护结构需要考虑可能地少占用空间。

    Another problem in deep excavation is space in construction is so limit .

  20. 气动系统电磁换向阀采用汇流板集装方式,减少了占用空间;

    Electromagnetic valve of pneumatic system adopts conflux boards so as to reduce space .

  21. 干燥机与加料机的一体机崭新设计,占用空间少,移动方便,适合精密成型。

    Hopper dryer and loader into acompact unit , Saving space and easy to move .

  22. 液液水力旋流器倍受石油企业的重视,这主要是近年来为了适应海上采油过程中油水分离时所要求的水中含油量低、占用空间小等特点。

    Hydrocyclone is mainly developed for the oil water separation system in offshore oil production .

  23. 数组中每个整数代表了相应症状在症状表中的位置,相当于一个指向相应症状的指针,占用空间少。

    Every number in the array corresponds to a position in the Symptom with little space .

  24. 二是生成三维地形过程中和输出数据所使用的数据类型为规则网格,这是因为可用数组表示规则网格数据,占用空间小,易于检索和管理。

    The other is regular reseau used in procedure of three-dimensinal terrain development and outputting data .

  25. 占用空间:执行组件所需的虚拟内存的量可以决定其粒度。

    Footprint : The amount of virtual memory required to execute the component can determine its granularity .

  26. 元数据描述数据的特征信息,具有占用空间小但使用频繁的特点。

    Metadata describes characteristics of data and has features such as little occupied space but used frequently .

  27. 保留到反射对象的引用会造成这些类保持为活动状态并继续占用空间。

    Holding references to the reflecting objects causes these classes to stay alive and continue occupying space .

  28. 该单桥臂具有重量轻、结构简单可靠,占用空间少等优点。

    The single bridge arm has advantages of light weight , simple and reliable structure and less space .

  29. 线束重量和占用空间的增加会给汽车制造带来困难。

    The weight of wiring-harness and increase in holding space will bring about new problems to automobile manufacturing .

  30. 传统进户线生产工艺复杂、占用空间、敷设不便且寿命短。

    The traditional drop wires feature complicated manufacturing process , large volume , uneasy installation and short service life .