
  1. 你真令我惊奇,卡西莫多。

    You 're a surprising person , quasimodo .

  2. “卡西莫多!”他们高喊,“大主教卡西莫多!为愚人们的大主教让路。”

    " Quasimodo ! " they shouted ," High Priest Quasimado ! Make way for the High Priest of Fools ! "

  3. 从主要人物卡西莫多和孚诺洛的分析中展示建筑艺术对文学的影响。

    In the parts of describes Quasimodo and Claude Frollo , Architecture arts help the novel to display characters and details vividly .

  4. 我开门见山、直接了当地对她说:“卡西莫多【3】,我要离婚。”

    I laid it right on the line with her , I came right to the point , I said " Quasimodo , I want a divorce . "

  5. 天生畸形、被巴黎圣母院收容而担任敲钟人的卡西莫多,以及圣母院的副主教弗侯洛、与侍卫队的队长腓比斯,都情不自禁的爱上美丽的艾丝梅拉达。

    Quasinodo , the bell striker naturally macrocephalic and accepted by Notre Dame de Paris , Frollo , coadjutor and Phoebus , the leader of housecarl , they let themselves go to beautiful Esmeralda .

  6. 我感觉自己像是羚羊一样地穿过伦敦的街道,当我看见我的倒影时,感觉自己就像是卡西莫多,拖着脚步气喘吁吁地穿过水坑。

    While I feel like a gazelle sprinting gracefully through the streets of London , when I catch my reflection I am hunched like Quasimodo , dragging my feet through puddles and panting a lot .